Friday Fives

1. What is your most prized material possession?
I think its my Bose stereo. I love the sound, I love the convenience. I have never given this much thought until now.

2. What item, that you currently own, have you had the longest?
I have a few books that I have owned since high school days. There are some knick knacks that I have had around all my life. BUt saying that, I can’t quite put my finger on them exactly. Probably this childhood picture of me when I was four. That is the oldest personal belonging I think.

3. Are you a packrat?
Yes, I am. I have way too much stuff and dread throwing anything away.

4. Do you prefer a spic-and-span clean house? Or is some clutter necessary to avoid the appearance of a museum?
Do you even know me? Clutter is unfortunately part of my inate gene pool. I know no other way.

5. Do the rooms in your house have a theme? Or is it a mixture of knick-knacks here and there?
See above. Lots of knick knacks and a thematic mixture.

4 Replies to “Friday Fives”

  1. !) Currently, my most prized material possession is my car, JuJu. As I ponder purchasing a new one in 2006, I’ve come to realize what a faboo & reliable vehicle she has been.

    @) In a net suspended from the ceiling in my office is a stuffed dog named Sniffy. I’ve had him & memories involving him since I was a wee lad.

    #) I am NOT a packrat. Somehow, I missed this gene from both of my parents & am undogly thankful for this.

    $) I prefer spic-and-span with clean lines, solid colors & no clutter or pattern. Sterile almost.

    %) Fom’s office has a theme of sorts but aside from that, our house is an amalgam of random things scattered hither & thither.

  2. 1. Tough questions. Despite all outward appearances, I don’t really put a lot of stock in material possessions. Certainly, I like being comfortable, but as far as a truly “prized” possession? No one thing comes to mind. I guess I’ll say. . . . my spiffy yellow bicycle.

    2. I have an old quilt that IÂ’ve had since I was about three years old.

    3. I fear IÂ’m developing more of a pack-rat nature as I get older, as IÂ’m noticing that my rooms are acquiring perhaps more doodads than they probably need. However, unlike Nall, I have no problems getting rid of things. I can be surprisingly unsentimental when need be.

    4. I used to be guilty of creating museum quality sterility. I think IÂ’ve eased off of that a bit over time. Still, it is nice to know you could eat off of the carpet if you so chose.

    5. I love decorating around a theme. For instance, this holiday season, I’ve pulled out my entire gnome collection, and have turned my home into a whimsical fantasy space that I’ve titled “The Cobbler’s Holiday.” My home has been turned into a festively decorated, gnome-inhabited cobbler’s shop, complete with tiny lasts, sewing machines, and painstakingly re-created gnome shoes. It’s a real hoot!

  3. 1) My 1983 Vespa P200 Scooter. Can’t get ’em like this anymore. Vroom.

    2) Nothing from my childhood per se…Hmmmm, truly an item is something that is not, say, homework from 2nd grade or such. so I am going to say…just dunno. weakass I know.

    3) No. purging is good.

    4) I am right in the middle of the clutter/ cleanliness environment.

    5) No theme, except maybe the Tiger Beat motif. Yeah, definitely those posters of Sean Cassidy classify as a motif. Da Doo run run run.

  4. 1. I can’t think of one single item, but I have a few “prized” possessions; my engagement ring, my new ring from Christmas, select books, my Dead Can Dance box set, photos of family & friends. A hat & scarf set that my mom knitted…etc.

    2. Either a Snoopy at my Grandma’s or a profile picture of me from when I was 4.

    3. I collect and then purge. Rinse & repeat.

    4. Our house is *supposed* to be spic & span for showings, but right now it looks like Christmas threw up in the condo (wrapping paper, bows, presents, etc. scattered everywhere).

    5. I have color themes and the knick knacks sort of match these themes. Half of our stuff is stored, so we actually have no idea WHAT we have at this point.

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