The Friday Fives

1. What are things just not spoken in polite company?

President DonaldTrump.

2. If you could tell him one thing, what would you say?

Isn’t it just time that you just went away?

3. Who will replace him?

That is difficult. He is a cult leader and there are usually no cult leader replacements When the leader fades away the cult whithers. Many will step up but remember he has had over 60 years building this image and developing these self-marketing instincts combines with his shear pathological narcissism. There will be many who try (and have already tried) but they will be seen as the charlatons they are. His act is alreay tiring, even on those who voted for him.

4. How will this all end?

A severe caridac incident due to a calcified vascualr system.

5. Why him again?

He ran on a palate of lies and his only intention was to stay out of prison and to exact revenge. And, our nation is racists and sexist and wouldn’t vote for a black woman to be president.

The Friday Fives

1. If we had to create a single flag to represent Earth on the galactic stage, what would that flag look like?

It would include a big blue ball orbited by cats, bacon, and a computer connected to the internet.

2. What is a song that sounds great with headphones?

Anything by Jimi Hendrix.

3. Have you ever used a microwave at other than full power for a certain amount of time? What was your experience?

All the time. That is how I cook rice.

In a covered glass casserole dish, load it up with a cup of water, two cups of rice, some salt, and a pat of butter, then microwave it for 22 minutes at 70% strength. It turns out perfect.

4. What songs remind you of high school?

REO Speedwagon Hi Infidelity album

5. What has gradually disappeared over the last 20 years with people realizing it?

Manual shift transmissions and ashtrays.

The Friday Fives

1. Do you still do morning radio?  What’s your morning DJ go to?

On Sirius/XM, Classic Rewind – mornings with Kristine Stone

2. What is one song that you would listen to every day?

The Happy Birthday song

3. Who are you in the tv show “Friends”?

I would like to think I am Chandler the happy joke guy but probably Joey witihout the huge appetite.

4. What’s something you could legit consume an ungodly amount of ?


5. What’s a completely normal sentence that would confuse someone from 100 years ago?

Let me look that up in my feeds on my phone.

The Friday Fives

1. What’s a popular food that you don’t like?

Kale. Especially in salads. I don’t get it. There are better minty/spicy leaf greens. I can handle chopped Kale in soups or stews, but that is about it.

2. What are the most clever/genius crimes ever committed?

The 1991 Father’s Day Bank massacre. James King was suspected of robbing the cash register building in downtown Denver, killing four guards, and walking away with about $200,00.00. He stood trial and was acquitted. The money was never found.

3. If driving stick-shift and writing in cursive are regarded as “Boomer skills,” and IT is viewed as a “Millennial skill,” what skill is almost exclusively associated with the Silent, Greatest, or Lost Generation?

Folks like my dad or my grandparents could walk out to a workshop in the garage and knock out a piece of furniture, pull out the transmission in the truck and pull it apart, fix it, and then replace it instead of taking it to the shop. I wouldn’t know where to start.

4. What free things on the internet should everyone take advantage of?

The public library. Steaming movies (Kanopy), ebooks and audible books (Libby), magazines, and research from Libby or Hoopla or even the libraries app in some counties.

5.  What are you listening to right now?

I just finished listening to “The Undertow” by Jeff Sharlot. Nonfiction looks at Trumpland out in the heartland and how we got here. The current listen is “Thank You For Your Servitude” by Mark Leibovitz – a look at the GOP leaders and their cow-towing to Trump.

The Friday Fives

1. What’s your comfort show you’ve rewatched a million times?

“Murder She Wrote” on Roku TV.

2. What’s your go-to “cheat meal” or guilty pleasure food?

Cheesy, cheesy Mac’nCheese

3. What is your “never-again” brand, store, restaurant, or company?

AliExpress. I have never had a satisfying or successful transaction with them.

4. What’s the one thing today that will make people 200 years from now say, “I can’t believe they did that”?

Elected that dumb ass president TWICE!

5. What’s the one thing you want to do in 2025?

Take off about 20 lbs.