The Friday Fives

1. What song beginning with the letter “E” is a great jam?

“Every BreathYou Take by the Police from the Synchonicity album. I remember living in the dorms in Boulder when this came out. A great jam from a great album.

2. What old movie beginning with the letter “L” still holds up years later?

Adrian Lyne’s Lolita from 1997. A dark dark film from one of my favorite books (really, go read it – its darkly funny and an English masterpiece by a Russian master.) Frank Legella steals the screen.

3. What book beginning with the letter “M” is a recommended read?

I swear I didn’t submit this question with this book in mind. In fact the question came from a random social media post on Threads. That said, on this site and the Friday Fives I have written probalby too much about “Moby Dick” by Melville. A perfect tale that sometimes is also about a whale.

4. What pop culture trend beginning with the letter “N” will be remembered and why?

New Wave music from the early 80s. It is still a thing with the genre’s own channel on SiriusXM and tribute bands belting out Duran Duran and Bill Idol hits.

5. What television show beginning with the letter “G” is a good binge?

“General Hospital? ” Just kidding. How about “Gomer Pyle U.S.M.C.?” Nothing really comes to mind.

The Friday Fives

1. What’s something you tried once and instantly knew it wasn’t for you?

“Housewives of . . .” nothing in that franchise. I tried to watch one or two shows to stay current for any water cooler talk and u, no – that ismy kind of television.

2. You are forming a new band, and the name is the color of the shirt you are wearing and the last thing you ate. What name do we put on the concert poster?

Brown Dill Pickle. (a jam band based on long feed related riffs.)

3. What skill/trait do you wish you woke up with and why?

Better handwritiing. I have always hated my handwriting.

4. What’s your go-to song when you need a mood boost?

“Bang on the Drum All Day” Todd Rungren

5. If you could bring back one item to McDonald’s, what would it be?

The McDLT – so fancy. Bring it back!

The Friday Fives

1. What are the best “you don’t know who you’re messing with” scenes in movie history?

The first appearance on screen of John Wayne in Big Jake when he saves the Scottish sheepherder.

“I thought you were dead!”

“Not hardly.”

2. What is your “Not today, Satan!” moment?

Me on my bicycle making a left hand turn in busy traffic – those bastardsi n their cars will not mess with me during this manuver.

3. What is the scariest song you’ve ever heard?

From my early elemenetary school years – “Danse Macabre by Saint-Saens

4. What’s a thing that makes you think, “Wow, I’m really getting older”?

Gettting up out of a chair.

5. Who was your favorite band or artist when you were 15 years old?

Probaby Chicago or maybe it was ELO

The Friday Fives

1. What is your greatest fear?

A world without butter

2. What’s your favorite thing to keep you going during traffic jams?

Loud classic roc jams from SiriusXM

3. What is your idea of perfect happiness?

A perfectly brewed cup of coffee and a crossword puzzle

4. Which historical figure do you most identify with?

The more I read about him the more fascinating he is : Walt Whitman

5. With no boundaries, where would you like to live?

Provincial France is a quaint little village.

The Friday Fives

1. What is a smell that comforts you?

Fresh baked bread.

2. Who is your favorite hero of fiction?

Rick Blain from Casablanca

3. What is your greatest extravagance?

Fresh home roasted coffee

4. What is your motto?

Live like your gonna win the lotto

5. Which talent would you most like to have

Tap dance. The ability to break into a quick routine at the drop of a hat