1. What song beginning with the letter “E” is a great jam?
“Every BreathYou Take by the Police from the Synchonicity album. I remember living in the dorms in Boulder when this came out. A great jam from a great album.
2. What old movie beginning with the letter “L” still holds up years later?
Adrian Lyne’s Lolita from 1997. A dark dark film from one of my favorite books (really, go read it – its darkly funny and an English masterpiece by a Russian master.) Frank Legella steals the screen.
3. What book beginning with the letter “M” is a recommended read?
I swear I didn’t submit this question with this book in mind. In fact the question came from a random social media post on Threads. That said, on this site and the Friday Fives I have written probalby too much about “Moby Dick” by Melville. A perfect tale that sometimes is also about a whale.
4. What pop culture trend beginning with the letter “N” will be remembered and why?
New Wave music from the early 80s. It is still a thing with the genre’s own channel on SiriusXM and tribute bands belting out Duran Duran and Bill Idol hits.
5. What television show beginning with the letter “G” is a good binge?
“General Hospital? ” Just kidding. How about “Gomer Pyle U.S.M.C.?” Nothing really comes to mind.
The Friday Fives
1. What are the best “you don’t know who you’re messing with” scenes in movie history?
The first appearance on screen of John Wayne in Big Jake when he saves the Scottish sheepherder.
“I thought you were dead!”
“Not hardly.”
2. What is your “Not today, Satan!” moment?
Me on my bicycle making a left hand turn in busy traffic – those bastardsi n their cars will not mess with me during this manuver.
3. What is the scariest song you’ve ever heard?
From my early elemenetary school years – “Danse Macabre by Saint-Saens
4. What’s a thing that makes you think, “Wow, I’m really getting older”?
Gettting up out of a chair.
5. Who was your favorite band or artist when you were 15 years old?
Probaby Chicago or maybe it was ELO
The Friday Fives
1. What is your greatest fear?
A world without butter
2. What’s your favorite thing to keep you going during traffic jams?
Loud classic roc jams from SiriusXM
3. What is your idea of perfect happiness?
A perfectly brewed cup of coffee and a crossword puzzle
4. Which historical figure do you most identify with?
The more I read about him the more fascinating he is : Walt Whitman
5. With no boundaries, where would you like to live?
Provincial France is a quaint little village.
The Friday Fives
1. What is a smell that comforts you?
Fresh baked bread.
2. Who is your favorite hero of fiction?
Rick Blain from Casablanca
3. What is your greatest extravagance?
Fresh home roasted coffee
4. What is your motto?
Live like your gonna win the lotto
5. Which talent would you most like to have
Tap dance. The ability to break into a quick routine at the drop of a hat
The Friday Fives
1. What is your idea of perfect happiness?
A quiet Sunday morning, a steaming cup of coffee, a crossword puzz;e and good book to read on my kindle.
2. What is your greatest fear?
Getting laid off at work. It has happened so many times at my current age I just can’t start all over again somewhere. (There are no rumors this is coming anytime soon at work – but …)
3. If you could choose what to come back as, what would it be?
A house cat in a nice smal rural town. That would be bliss.
4. What is your most treasured possession?
Currently my bicycle.
5. What is your favorite journey?
Getting lost in a good book.
The Friday Fives
1. People who rarely get sick,what’s your secret ?
Allergy meds and herbal supplemnts (Chinese medicinals: Oregano oil extract and Astragalus Supreme)
2. Pretend is your last meal what are you gonna eat?
My mom’s lasagne recipe. If it is the last meal I am going out with a full, beefy, carb-rich tummy.
3. What’s a piece of technology you wish existed, and what would it do?
Well, I have covered this before – the Star Trek Transporter. Bringit on. If we had that we wouldn’t need flying cars.
4. What is the most American thing to do?
Buying lots of guns.
5. What’s the weirdest food combination you actually love?
Make a sandwich out of some iceberg lettuce leaves and basic Pringles potato crisps. Yummy.
The Friday Fives
1. How is this IT outage affecting you?
This is an oddly specific question. But Microsoft Azure is down nationwide so I am really just sitting here at work with virtually nothing today. Kind of a nice Friday after a very long busy week.
2. What’s a rich people thing that rich people don’t know is a rich people thing?
Establishing a personal LLC that holds the car, the house the money and pays a salary to the rich person to lower/avoid taxes and live the life of luxury. Most of us peeps don’t have that option.
3. How many pillows do you sleep with? Why?
Somewhere around six or seven. I like to create a bed womb to surround me in pillows and luxury.
4. What isn’t worth the money?
Name brand products when there is a generic or store label brand – for food and pharmaceutcals. Those private label/store label products are usually made by the same production company.
5. What would it be If you had the power to make one global law that everyone had to follow?
In the words of Bob Newhart (RIP): “Stop it ! ”
The Friday Fives
1. If someone came to your town for the first time what restaurant would you take them to to show off what your town has to offer?
In Denver, just take a drive down Federal Blvd. Tons of Asian, Asian fusion, Mexican, and Latin restaurants that really captures the town and metroplex.
2. What experience do you think everyone should have experienced at least once in their lifetime?
Army Basic training and military service. Made all the difference in my life i so did not have my act together at 19-years old but a drill sargeant barking at you will get you straightened out in no time.
3. What do you typically have for breakfast?
Two soft bowled eggs on a toasted English muffin or toasted English muffin bread.
4. What books have you been reading lately?
I started down a re-read of Edgar Alan Poe and his short stories.
5. What’s the worst holiday?
Columbus Day – Yay! Genocide.
The Friday Fives
1. What everyday item has a hidden feature not everyone knows about?
There is this smaller but still accurate speaker located on your cell phone that you can use by putting the phone up to your ear, and when people speak to you, the entire conversation isn’t being eavesdropped by the line in the grocery store.
2. What is something you used to live and breathe for years but now don’t?
I used to buy CDs and try to be an artist completist, needing/wanting to have an artist’s entire oeuvre. Spotify or other streamers can do that for me now.
3. What book have you read that really needs to be turned into a movie?
There is a series of books by Britt author Jassper Fforde about Thursday Next, who works in the fictional world as local law enforcement and keeps order in books so the stories aren’t ruined for the “reader” folks. It’s a fun series to drop into and would be great on film.
4. If you could dive into a world of fiction and live there, what world would you choose?
Gatsby’s East Egg. All the parties and celebrations. What a fun ride that would be.
5. For city-living folks, what is the craziest thing you have seen?
When I worked downtown in Denver in the middle ’90s, there was a guy who would walk up and down Colfax naked. He was quite mentally troubled, and hopefully, he had gotten help, but to say the least, it was always startling to come upon him while running errands or going to lunch.
The Friday Fives
1. If you could jump into a pool of anything, what would it be full of?
Raspberry Jello.
2. What’s the best wif-fi name you’ve seen?
In my complex someone named their wifi “NSA Monitoring Station 7” that always made me laugh.
3. What do you think the worst smell is?
4. If you could erase one color from existence, which one would it be?
Seasick Green
5. Which celebrity would you choose as a mentor?
Tom Hanks. He has lived a successful life making all the right decisions and he is pretty funny.