The Friday Fives

1. Do you exercise on a regular basis?
I am trying. My new goal is not so much to exericise but to no longer practice my “Epic” sedentary life. It is about small little steps and ensuring every day I get out and move. In the process I am exercising and getting in shape, I suppose. My problem with exercise is that I hate sweating and getting hot and muggy. I haven’t found a decent gym located in the dairy cooler of a grocery store yet, so the short answer is get over youself and just get outside and do it. Damn, I hate Nike.

2. Name one person that raises your blood pressure:
I can get very angry and fired up, red in the face and sweat pouring from brow when I talk about Bush or other supreme practitioners of injustice. His distant gaze and smile and “Chauncey Gardner” patina makes me mad.

3. You need to go up two floors in a building: do you use the stairs or the elevator?
I very nearly always take the stairs. I don’t want to be “that guy.” At work, we have two floors and an elevator to connect them along with two sets of stairs. I can count the times I have used the elevator on one hand in the six years I have been in that building.

4. Have you ever participated in an “Extreme” sport?
I jumped out of an airplane once in the Army. And I went bungy jumping for a new story in Crested Butte. Neither are extreme, per se, as there were many, many, many safety features involved. But for me, that is extreme enough.

5. Imagine that you have the opportunity to become a foreign correspondent for a week. Where would you want to report from, and what types of stories would you be interested in doing? (In honor of Peter Jennings.)

Darfur – and I want to bring some attention to the death, killing and slaughter in Northern Africa.

4 Replies to “The Friday Fives”

  1. 1. I used to exercise like crazy, but since meeting Edward I’ve fallen off the “horse”. Some day soon, though I just found out from the dr that I lost 8 pounds!
    2. Bush (both of them, Jeb and George) and pope Benedict VII.
    3. Stairs! Even at work!
    4. Does the Exhilirator at Elitches count?
    5. India…..I’d love to report on the benefits and evils of captalism setting in this poor nation.

  2. !) Awhile back, Fom & I agreed to walk every night after dinner. Great idea but, difficult to do when neither one of us care for the heat. Now I find a balanced diet & running amok at Fedinko’s keeps me in shape.

    @) The 700 Club. It is just one person, isn’t it?

    #) I prefer the INXS stairs.

    $) No & I don’t plan to. I’m a wee fragile lad.

    %) There are so many fascinating places with so many tragic things happening in them that, I don’t think I could choose just one. The Aquarian peacemaker in me wants to shed light on all problems, work towards resolving said problems & then be crowned Miss America.

  3. 1. I try to exercise five times a week. In the warmer months, that generally entails riding my bike, and in the cooler weather it involves much-hated trips to the workout room to huff, puff and perspire on any of the various pieces of exercise machinery. (I loathe most of the cardio machines—I feel like a hamster trying to burn off extra energy.) Still, it’s good for the mind, and helps me make up for the less-healthy aspects of the Ed Lifestyle (e.g., Sausage Sunday, Tequila Tuesday, White Wine Wednesday, etc.).

    2. I have one co-worker who is so useless (“How useless is he?”), that any dealing with him raises my blood pressure. [Makes note on To-Do List: “Get Dan fired.”]. Also, the mere mention of the name Marilyn Musgrave is usually all it takes to raise my BP a tad.

    3. Actually it depends. If my hands are full IÂ’ll often take the elevator. If not, IÂ’ll generally take the stairs.

    4. Honey, my life is an Extreme sport.

    5. This will obviously expose my shallowness. . . .but I’d love to be a fashion correspondent in Paris for a week, or cover the spring art auctions in London. But that’s just me. I love talkin’ ‘bout purty things.

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