6 Replies to “Wacky Friday Foto”

  1. Wal-Mart’s new men’s wear department makes dressing for a day of couch sitting *even* easier!

  2. Still sore from her bowling loss, Janice Dickerson tries to spread vicious rumors about her opponents via the Internet.

  3. Yes, this was me last weekend. Roy told me he wouldn’t publish them.

    Anyhow, Roy and I are no longer speaking.

  4. “Things have been a little rough, what with all the publicity and all. I mean, I’m just some kid that liked to play with my snake and play MMPORG’s. Nex thing I know, I’m on VH1 Best Week Ever, and CNN. I just…have had a rough time,” said Gary Brolsma of Numa Numa Dance fame during a recent interview about the rise and fall of Internet greats.

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