Friday Fives
1. What was the last song you heard?
With Love From Me To You by The Beatles.
2. What were the last two movies you saw?
American Splendor (on DVD) and Mystic River (at the theater.)
3. What were the last three things you purchased?
Razor blades, shaving cream, a Sante Fe chicken wrap sandwich.
4. What four things do you need to do this weekend?
Watch the St. Patrick’s Day parade, wash some laundry, work out, cook Sunday dinner before watching the Sopranos, finalize my income taxes (sigh!)
5. Who are the last five people you talked to?
Sara G., William B., Kevin L., Isela L., Caia S.
via Friday Fives.
1. What was the last song you heard?
“Thousand Miles From Nowhere” by Dwight.
2. What were the last two movies you saw? Big Fish and Once Upon A Time In Mexico
3. What were the last three things you purchased? A Vicodan ‘scrip, a Xanax ‘scrip, and a bottle of water.
4. What four things do you need to do this weekend? Dye my hair , get a hair cut, drink on Friday, drink on Saturday.
5. Who are the last five people you talked to? Adam, Hoss, Grandma, Kelly and Robert.
1. What was the last song you heard?
“lips like sugar” echo & the bunnymen (on the radio in the car)
2. What were the last two movies you saw? runaway jury and matchstick men (both on DVD)
3. What were the last three things you purchased? just went to the store; romaine lettuce, deli meat, and soup were probably the last items through the checker
4. What four things do you need to do this weekend? sadly i have procrastinated an article that i need to have an outline for by tomorrow (and it’s now 4:30pm on sunday), so that and laundry
5. Who are the last five people you talked to? reid, reid’s mom, grandma, grandma’s CNA, my mom