Friday Fives

1. What is one thing about you that you hate?
Socially clumsy – I need some suave.

2. What is one thing about you that you love?

I like my sense of humor. I make me laugh out loud some times.

3. If you had to change one thing about you what would it be and why?
I want washboard abs, damnit!

4. What is one word that you would use to define yourself?

5. Imagine what you would look like in a perfect world…what do you look like?
Ina perfect world I would be fit, gorgeous and still funny – wow, I am Cary Grant!

Friday Fives

1. Did you get an allowance as a kid, and if so, how much was it?
Yes, I had an allowance. I don’t remember the amount. It was based on chores – lawn mowing, trash emptying, snow shoveling, and general household helpfulness.

2. How old were you when you had your first job, and what was it?
When I was 14, Judy, a childhood sweet heart, and I started a window washing business one summer. We washed windows for several homes and for a number of businesses in town.

3. So, how big is it?

Generally, I am running with “5’s,” which are generally big enough. Fours will do the trick but I am saving up for Titanium “6’s” to really get the boost.

4. Are you good with directions?
Um, no. I get lost quite easily. I generally know where I and I know where I am going, but I easily get lost on side streets.

5. What do you smell?

Pets and stale air conditioning with just a kiss of chocolate.

The Friday Fives

1. If you had to participate in one Olympic event what would it be and why?
I used to answer this question with Quoits, but it is no longer an Olympic sport. So, with the modern games, I will go with beach volleyball.

2. What is the one song you always sing along to?
Thunder Road, by the Boss.

3. Do you wear a seatbelt in the car?
Always. Without fail, every single time.

4. Car, suv or truck and why?
I guess it is an SUV. A little crossover thingy, a station wagon on steroids.

5. Are you a good/bad driver? explain
I think I am a good driver. So does my insurance company. Ed thinks I am a terrible driver – but I have had less accidents by far.

Friday Fives

1. Whats harder to live without, chocolate or alcohol?
Surprisingly, to te who those who know me, it is chocolate. You see, at the house, I never run out of alcohol, but i will run out of chocolate and when that craving hits for the cocoa bean, it can hurt. It can hurt bad mama. Oh sweet mama, give me the chocolate.

2. Does the color yellow remind you of anything?
Wow, this is so Freudian – but it is the first thing that came into my mind: Mom’s Cub Scout leader uniform. Boy, do I need to do some solid therapeutic couch time.

3. Who most annoyed you last week?
The accounts receivable department at emax hosting.

4. Do you have a cutesy romantic nickname for your partner (or previous partners)?
For former partners, I simply refer to a plaintiff. Currently – is it wrong to refer to ones penis as Stretch Armstrong?

5. What is your favorite Stephen King movie?
Stand By Me. Good flick. I am not into scary movies.

Friday Fives

1. What’s your favorite TV network?
Broadcast Television? Currently CBS. Cable? HBO. Deep Cable? Either BBC America or Mojo.

2. If you could create your own channel, what would it be?
Springsteen vision. All Bruce all the time. Seriously, though, I want a redo of Tvland, with lots and lots of old shows. Tony Mo has the best idea, concerning pilots, but I will let him explain.

3. What TV show did you watch as a child, that you wish they would bring back?
As a wee lad, I liked a Saturday morning show called Ark II. I was also a huge Johnny Quest fan. Johnny Quest could be made into a great action series on the Sci Fi channel.

4. What show have you always hated, and wonder why they ever made such a dumb show?
Green Acres, as a child. As a grown up, I have yet to watch most reality shows as well as Dangerous Housewives. I will say any of those could never have been made, I my life would not be affected in any way.

5. What TV show’s seasons would you buy on DVD?
Through Netflix, I have rented some – Lost and a few PBS series. I don’t think I would buy any. Oh wait, I have a two box set of shows from the original British series : Thunderbirds. Fab.

The Friday Fives

1. What is the best thing about the city in which you live? What is the worst?
The view of Mount Evans and the Rockies, driving west on a sunny morning as the sun reflects off the snow. Stunning beauty.

2. Do you think that life has meaning?
For some, yes. For some, no. Parts off life are meaningful and parts of life are just getting to the next junction – which hopefully hold meaning.

3. What was your favourite childhood toy/object, or some of your favourites?
I was just reflecting the other day on my childhod toys. I had many action figures and a pretty big yard in which to send GI Joe and Big Jim, Johnny West and Sam Cobra off on some adventures.

(Remember childhood according to the United Nations is anywhere from 0-18 years, so this is a fairly broad span of time).

4. When you clasp your hands, do you put your right thumb over your left thumb, or your left thumb over your right thumb?
Left over right. I am left handed and the left thumb is dominate.

5. If you had to teach the most ignorant person on earth the most difficult thing you have ever learned, how would you go about doing it?
Most difficult thing I have learned? Overt time, that lesson is moderation. In cooking, cook on medium. Laundry – warm and low temp dryer. Money, hold back the urge to spend. To teach this takes the lessons of a life – you have to make mistakes. For the ignorant, perhaps the best way would be to go in the extreme and drive home the consequences. Tough question.

The Friday Fives

1. Describe where you grew up:
Lil ol Craig, Colorado, home of outlaws, meth and coal. It was found out that I could read, and they sent me out of town on a rail.

2. Do you wear any jewelery?
Often I wear my dad’s ring and a wristwatch

3. What do you have too much of?
Books. I have too many God Damn books. I love books. I love reading books. I love buying books, I love owning books.

4. Who is a fool?
The fool is the one without shoes.

5. What’s your nickname?
Wah. Or R-Dub. I answer to either.

The Friday Fives

1. When did you last get lost
I currently have a new job and I feel lost most everyday. It has been two weeks and I don’t seem to have my bearings yet.

2. Have you ever been flying
In a plane, yes. Have I flown a plane. No. I think we all know that would probably not turn out well. I don’t have that kind of prolonged concentration needed to fly a plane. I am trying, through MS Flight Simulator, to tackle take offs and landings. And even with a virtual plane, I owe Boeing about 7 million in crashed airplanes.

3. What do you always listen to
I can always listen to some banjo pickin’ blue grass

4. When does the day feel long
at 3:30 in the afternoon. The high energy tasks are done, the rest of the day is admin and paperwork and time comes to a standstill.

5. Tell me about your day
Yesterday? Glad you asked. Suspended a kid for working out a drug transaction via email at work. Wrote eight people for attendance and performance went to see a special theatrical version of This American Life at a movie theater then mossied down the road to meet Grace Slick at an Art Gallery. A bad day turned into a great day. Great work, Lono!

Friday Fives

1. Love at First Sight: Fact or Fiction?
I know some folks who have fallen in love at first site – fact.

2. Fortune Telling: Fact or Fiction?
Bunk. Hokum Balderdash

3. Other Life: Fact or Fiction?
We have had this question in another form recently. I can’t believe we are alone – though I doubt we will be in contact anytime soon.

4. Afterlife: Fact or Fiction?
I think once the bugs get you, you are gone.

5. Bigfoot: Fact or Fiction?
Size 9 here. Not that big at all.

Friday Fives

1. If you had the ability to legally change your name, would you? To what?
Probably not. I kind oflike my unique name. However if I changed it let’s go with Tex McCord. Side note: I collect the names of the addresses that Spam my email There are always some winners on that list, names worthy of a trip to court to change the name. One example from this week’s pile of mail: Rigoberto Hobson.

2. What do you with with change that you receive from banks/purchases/find on the ground? It sits in a bank on my bookshelf or in my ashtray of my car. It gets used occassionally. And about once or twice a year I drag it to the bank, have it counted and deposit it.

3. If you could travel back in time to change the course of one historical event, what event would it be?
I am gong to go with recent history and roll back time to prior 9/11 – and then use the change to ensure the towers don’t go down. The last seven years have been ugly and life would be very different without that event.

4. Would you rather live a safe, stable, moderately interesting life or one where every day was dangerous, volatile, and different?
i want dagerous change by day and quite stable by evening – that is why I am going to take a job at 7/11.

5. What do you think you’ll be remembered for when you die and, if you could, would you change it to something else?
I will be remembered for my wacky sense of humor and being a generally nice guy. I can life with that.