Friday Fives

1. What’s your favorite TV network?
Broadcast Television? Currently CBS. Cable? HBO. Deep Cable? Either BBC America or Mojo.

2. If you could create your own channel, what would it be?
Springsteen vision. All Bruce all the time. Seriously, though, I want a redo of Tvland, with lots and lots of old shows. Tony Mo has the best idea, concerning pilots, but I will let him explain.

3. What TV show did you watch as a child, that you wish they would bring back?
As a wee lad, I liked a Saturday morning show called Ark II. I was also a huge Johnny Quest fan. Johnny Quest could be made into a great action series on the Sci Fi channel.

4. What show have you always hated, and wonder why they ever made such a dumb show?
Green Acres, as a child. As a grown up, I have yet to watch most reality shows as well as Dangerous Housewives. I will say any of those could never have been made, I my life would not be affected in any way.

5. What TV show’s seasons would you buy on DVD?
Through Netflix, I have rented some – Lost and a few PBS series. I don’t think I would buy any. Oh wait, I have a two box set of shows from the original British series : Thunderbirds. Fab.

4 Replies to “Friday Fives”

  1. 1)Toss up between HGTV and G4
    2)The stand up network that was nothing but stand up comics and performers like that.
    3)Land of the lost, Dr. Shrinker and Wonder Bug
    4)Any soap seriously get a job!
    5)I have only one and it is the young ones. MAn wish they had more of that stuff.

  2. 1) Since most of the shows I watch are on ABC. I guess that’s it.

    2) I don’t remember my good idea on pilots Roy. Darn it all to heck. My own channel would be something like the Truman show. That would be an interesting show.

    3) The Love Boat/ Fantasy Island 2-hour Saturday night show spectacular. Cheese, cheese and more cheese (with a little morality mixed in)

    4) Sex in the city. I’m not a woman, i don’t like it, ‘nough said.

    5) I own Buffy and Month Python’s flying circus. Try and beat them apples.

  3. 1. BBC America or Food Network. I watch little else.

    2. Hmmmmm …. Maybe a personalized network all about me. I would select each program according to my whims.

    3. There was a short lived sitcom called The Associates that I adored. It was about three young lawyers in a prestigious law firm. Good stuff but ahead of its time humor wise.

    4. Dancing with Celebrities. Totally unnecessary.

    5. The Muppet Show. In the process of awaiting season three.

  4. 1. I don’t really have a favorite as I watch only about 1 show on any given network.

    2. A GOOD sci-fi channel, not the current iteration with its C-grade movies and horrid series. Its continually amazing to me that one of the best shows on TV–Battlestar Galactica– has its home on this otherwise horrid channel.

    3. None that can’t be found on some re-run channel.

    4. Jerry Springer; I mean do we NEED to see the seedy, knuckle-dragging underbelly that is a good part of this nation? I think not. Everyone who is a guest on that show should be sexually sterilized as a condition of appearing on it.

    5. See number 2; Battlestar Galactica. To date it is the only series I own. Brilliant television.

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