Friday Fives

1. Love at First Sight: Fact or Fiction?
I know some folks who have fallen in love at first site – fact.

2. Fortune Telling: Fact or Fiction?
Bunk. Hokum Balderdash

3. Other Life: Fact or Fiction?
We have had this question in another form recently. I can’t believe we are alone – though I doubt we will be in contact anytime soon.

4. Afterlife: Fact or Fiction?
I think once the bugs get you, you are gone.

5. Bigfoot: Fact or Fiction?
Size 9 here. Not that big at all.

5 Replies to “Friday Fives”

  1. 1. As love is hard to define, I guess some people can define it as occurring at first sight. I’ll vote fact.

    2. While some people are good at “reading” others, the ability to predict the future is nonsense.

    3. Likely a fact.

    4. Fiction. Streets paved with gold? Like that makes any sense.

    5. These are getting on my nerves. I vote “fact.”

  2. 1. Love at First Sight: Fact or Fiction? This is fact. As overly-simplified as it is, still fact. It’s what gets it going.

    2. Fortune Telling: Fact or Fiction? Va Lee would be ashamed that you would even dare to ask this question.

    3. Other Life: Fact or Fiction? I don’t see how we could possibly be the smartest creatures out there. That thought is entirely too depressing. I vote fact.

    4. Afterlife: Fact or Fiction? Too many things I have seen that can’t be explained. I say “unknowable”.

    5. Bigfoot: Fact or Fiction? I think Roy posted a photo of her flying a kite or something.. so.. fact?

  3. !) Love at first sight is fiction. Infatuation is possible & lust is nearly guaranteed if the other person is attractive but, love at first sight is simply irrational.

    @) Fortune telling is fiction. Cause & effect is fact.

    #) I don’t think I’ve lived any other lives as I don’t think the energy that came together to make me what I am has ever existed in this exact form before. As for alien life, I think it’s probable that another form of life is be out there given the unknown size of the universe.

    $) The afterlife is fiction. Once your systems cease functioning, everything that makes you who you are is dispersed back into the universe chaotically. The “afterlife” is a product of humankind’s massive ego & belief that they are not subject to the laws of biology.

    %) Bigfoot is fiction even though I think I’ve dated a few of his relatives.

    What a coincidence that I’m reading Richard Dawkin’s The God Delusion this week! I think it’s made me overtly cynical & science based.

  4. 1)Fact
    2)BULL SHIT!
    3)Noone ever was a garbage man in a former life so BS
    4)When it happens you are DRT
    5)Heath saw him once so it’s gotta be real!

  5. 1) Fiction. Getting a boner does not mean I love her. It took me a few women to figure this out, but I know now, it is so.

    2) ABSOLUTE FACT! – I can tell you all about your fortune. No where in the name “Fortune Telling” does it say truthful or right.

    3) Since currently, I do not have a “life”, I dream of “other life” quite often. I think it’s real, but is it aliens? Is it an alternate universe? Or does “other life” refer to politicians who have an “other life” in men’s bathrooms that their wives do not know about? Could go either way, fact or fiction.

    4) If Shirley McClaine sez it’s real, that’s good enough for me.

    5) If Bigfoot does exist, does he have a Bighand too? Thus, a big….
    This is fact.

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