The Friday Fives

1. If we had to create a single flag to represent Earth on the galactic stage, what would that flag look like?

It would include a big blue ball orbited by cats, bacon, and a computer connected to the internet.

2. What is a song that sounds great with headphones?

Anything by Jimi Hendrix.

3. Have you ever used a microwave at other than full power for a certain amount of time? What was your experience?

All the time. That is how I cook rice.

In a covered glass casserole dish, load it up with a cup of water, two cups of rice, some salt, and a pat of butter, then microwave it for 22 minutes at 70% strength. It turns out perfect.

4. What songs remind you of high school?

REO Speedwagon Hi Infidelity album

5. What has gradually disappeared over the last 20 years with people realizing it?

Manual shift transmissions and ashtrays.

4 Replies to “The Friday Fives”

  1. 1) A flaming Cheeto dressed as a masked all star wrestler.

    2) all music sounds better with good headphones.

    3) once when defrosting some meat.

    4) Guns and Roses Paradise City

    5) Human decency.

  2. 1. A picture of the earth, of course. The ultimate selfie. As it turns out, the residents of this planet aren’t very smart or interesting.

    2. I never wear headphones. . . .like NEVER. . . . .so my consideration set of songs is quite small. I’ll go with “White Winter Hymnal,” by Fleet Foxes, as its the sort of song one listen to over and over when stoned.

    3. I occasionally use the defrost mode. I lived without a microwave for 5+ years, and really never missed it.

    4. “Cum on Feel The Noize,” by Quiet Riot. In high school, there was a running prank of loading up the cafeteria jukebox with this song on repeat during lunch hours.

    5. I *assume* the question meant “withOUT people realizing it.” If so, I’d say that the general work ethic in the US has diminished. The sense of urgency, the “stay till you get it done” ethos has faded. Which has positive and negative aspects.

  3. 1) The United Colors of Benetton, becasue we need to bring back the 80s!

    2) I worked in headphones for 4 years, so I would put most of the music from the 70s as the choice. The audio engineering used tubes and manual tech, instead of computers to mix the songs and they are so much better on headphones.

    3) Weekly. I follow the instructions on my egg white turkey sausage sandwich, which has a cook 1.5 min. at 30% power and the 1.5 at full. And they come out perfecto.

    4) Poco – Crazy Love and all the songs off BIlly Joel’s Glass Houses album.

    5) The lessons that history.

  4. 1. A picture of the Earth with a big smiley face lightly superimposed over it. The left side looks normal, but the other side is slowly melting (think Dali’s “The Persistence of Memory”). The smiley face on that side looks kinda “strokish”. Whatever’s happening to the left is gaining dominance over the entirety. All this is happening while it’s being golden showered by the other planets within the system.

    2. Any song from Pink Floyd’s “Dark Side of the Moon” album. Especially “Time”.

    3. Always used full power. I nuke everything.

    4. Crowded House’s “Don’t Dream It’s Over”. For some reason, that song was always being played wherever I went.

    5. Common sense and being able to accept that other people aren’t always going to see eye-to-eye with you.

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