Friday Fives

Favorite phrase when you have:

1. Ate food that tasted bad: “Oh, that is what you were going for?”

2. Stubbed your toe: “Fuck”

3. Become frustrated: “Fuck, Fuck, Fuck” (then throw something.)

4. Broken something Generally “Fuck, Fuck, Fuck” but it can sometimes get more creative and include “Shit” or “Damnit.”

5. Been cut off by another driver: I usually don’t care. I just give a friendly wave and say, “Be Safe, Citizen.”

4 Replies to “Friday Fives”

  1. !) I don’t typically say anything but make a face at Thom who’s almost always sitting across from me. Then he says, “What’s wrong?” & giggles a bit.

    @) “Snarfblat!” (I’m trying to swear less)

    #) When I’m frustrated I typically don’t say anything & that’s a good sign to stay the snarfblat out of my way (ask Thom).

    $) “Oopsies!” thanks to Bess.

    %) I think I utter the word “fucker” beneath my breath because cutting people off is rude & I abhor rudeness.

  2. 1. “Do you honestly expect me to eat this crap? Geez mother–you could at least *try*.”

    2. “FUUUUUUUUUUUCK!!!! I hope it isn’t broken.”

    3. “Where’s my drink?”

    4. “Time to go to the mall!”

    5. “Geez. Drivers these days.” (I really don’t care).

  3. 1) EWWWWWWW!


    3) God bless it!

    4) OH NO! STUPID TONY! (that is unless I broke a bone, which has happened too many times, then refer to #2)

    5) I use the universal sign language and wave.

  4. 1. What the hell is this?
    2. “shit”
    3. I get quiet…then drunk, then rude.
    4. “Is that valuable?”
    5. “God damned, mother fucking, son of a bitch, cunt licking, asshole.”

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