Friday Fives

May is Traffice Safety Month

1. Do you yield when a blind pedestrian is crossing the road?
Well of course. I stop and I stare. And I marvel at the fact that the guy is getting around in this crazy world. Then I ignore the other homeless guy begging at the corner.

2. Who has the right of way when four cars approach a four-way stop at the same time??
The bigges truck or wait, let me remember my training – the Super collosal oil tanker always has the right of way. Either that or the one with the most guns.

3. What are the important safety tips to remember when backing your car?
Seat belt on. Coffee cup stored and most importantly, garage door – open. That is basically my initial backing check list.

4. What problems would you face if you were arrested for drunk driving?
I have a bad time sleeping if my bed isn’t just right. Sure, that would be the issue – getting decent night’s sleep in the drunk tank. Oh, yeah, and add to that a decent cup of coffee. As you know, I am picky about my coffee. Hard to sleep of a drunk without some coffee. At least that is what I have learned from the movies.

5. What is the difference between a flashing red traffic light and a flashing yellow traffic light?
One is listening to ABBA.

4 Replies to “Friday Fives”

  1. WAH, where are the karaoke questions we agreed on? you KNOW how I feel about driving…
    but, it’s your birthday, so I’ll deign to reply:
    1. how would I know? I’m blind. My braille car knows where we’re going. For all I know we run over nuns.
    2. I would say the car with the least annoying bumper stickers goes first. Anyone with Bush/Cheney 04 has to stay there. Forever.
    3. I back out first, check for small children later.
    4. It would sure be hard to work and pay the bills from prison. Or would it? Perhaps I could sell contraband to keep Reid fed & sheltered.
    5. The type of LSD I’m on…


    2) I hated word problems in school. I hate them now. If 4 cars approached at EXACTLY the same time the world would cease to exist and we would all DIE! Otherwise the one to your left.

    3) Look over my shoulder and punch it Chewy.

    4) If I was stupid enough to drive drunk, it would be apparent I’m not willing to face any problems that I might have. Denial is a wonderful thing.

    5) Depends on who the lights are flashing. If it’s a minor than that’s a felony, no matter what the color of the light might be.Fact be told, all falshing is a felony and wrong. But what’s all this about lights in trench coats?? Strange indeed.

  3. !) I yield to all pedestrians in Denver & in New York, one doesn’t have a choice. Forunately, I don’t drive much anymore & can only hope the subways yield to blind pedestrians.

    @) I do. I’ve sat at intersections like this for several moments whilst everyone looks at everyone else & continues to wait. Now I just go for it because I figure their insurance is a lot higher than mine.

    #) Look in all the review mirrors & then look studiously over your shoulder.

    $) Well, I’d be drunk & that’s pretty problematic. Fortunately now I just have to keep quiet & sit still & remember to count the stops so I know where to get off the subway.

    %) One requires you come to a complete stop while the other merely insinuates that you should slow your vehicle enough to glance both ways & ensure the instersection is clear.

    May I have my license back now?

  4. 1. IÂ’ve never had the chance to do so. Should I encounter a blind pedestrian crossing in front of me, IÂ’ll certainly let you know how I reacted.

    2. This scenario is tricky, as not only do we have to contend with relative positions, but also consider if one or more motorist is turning right or left. This is a nuanced world my friend, and it doesnÂ’t lend itself to absolutes. Nonetheless, the most aggressive driver, with the smallest *ahem* equipment would go first. Followed by the most self-absorbed motorist, followed by the other two.

    3. Grit teeth. Sqint. Hope for best. Having driven convertibles for years (which have ENORMOUS blind spots when the top is up), I have a genuine anxiety about backing up in certain circumstances (and in my neighborhood. . . .but thatÂ’s not necessarily relegated solely to cars.

    4. Again?

    5. Color is largely a visual attribute that results from the frequency of the light an object emits, transmits or reflects. Thus the difference between these two scenarios has something to do with reflecting on one’s transmission of emissions.

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