The Friday Fives

1. What word irks you every time you hear someone say it?

2. What is your favorite word?
Lately, I am smitten by “Whilst”

3. Name three words you think other people overuse:
I am a Republican

4. What is your opinion on karma?
I think that certainly a case can be made that there is a Karmic balance in the world, that one action is balanced by another.

5. If you take the good and you take the bad, what do you get? (Not too obscure teevee theme song referencing the circle of life.) Are there other karmic koans to be found in our media?

Outwit, outplay, outlast ( from Survivor A koan,yes. Karmic, perhaps not?)

8 Replies to “The Friday Fives”

  1. 1. I’m with Roy. “Irregardless” is in the Top Three. Also equally irritating buzz phrases: “Step up to the plate” and the word “synergy”. BLEH.
    2. I’ve always loved how the word “perhaps” sounds. Although I recently became obsessed with “parsimonious”.
    3. Name three words you think other people overuse: “Is that lo-carb?”
    4. What is your opinion on karma? Thanks to Newton’s Third Law, there can be no action without an equal or opposite reaction.. so to me that means karma is not only real, but scientifically proven.
    5. If you take the good and you take the bad, what do you get? Gas.

  2. !) The word “panties” irks me. I believe this can be attributed to a former girldfriend from high school who hated it with a passion.

    @) My favorite word is “betwixt.” I like the way it rolls through my teeth.

    #) “This one time…”

    $) I like to believe that there is a balance in the world & that the good get what they deserve, & the bad suffer accordingly without the will of man.

    %) If you take the good & you take the bad, I’d say you get life.

  3. 1. Dude
    2. Devilish
    3. God loves you
    4. Karma is the same as any motion, it effects everything…to all action there is a reaction.
    5. The good the bad and the ugly!

  4. 1. Jesus.

    2. “Poignant.” No matter how drunk you are, it still sounds slightly exotic and precise.

    3. Eddie youÂ’re drunk.

    4. I hope that karma works. . .IÂ’m banking on it. It sure does take its sweet time sometimes, eh?

    5. If you take the good and you take the bad, you wind up with nothingness. Emptiness. YouÂ’ve either got to be a little on the good side or a little on the bad side to have any effectiveness in this life.

  5. 1. Orientate. I really hate that.

    2. Either plethera or epiphany.

    3. Dude. I have been “duded” to the point of no return.

    4. Karma schmarma, I’m going to keep killin’ till the end of days.

    5. Me!!

  6. 1. I was going to go with “irregardless”, but it’s been taken. So I will go with “slacks”.

    2. Fuck.

    3. “I was like…”

    4. I believe in it and I live by it. Still waiting for it to come back around.

    5. A bad T.V. sit-com?

  7. 1. Cunt.
    2. derivative.
    3. i have become very attentive to the overuse of hyperbole in sports. in truth, there are probably 75-100 “great” and “amazing” and “awesome” events in the history of sports…but listen to any meathead broadcaster on any given sunday, and you will hear each term at least 25 times.
    4. its neat. and i like short words with more than one consonant.
    5. the PS Lounge?

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