The Friday Fives

1. What book has had the most significant impact on your life?

The Holy Bible . . . Okay, really? I guess it would be Slauterhouse Five, whereupon we learn, as readers that a book can be poignant, sad, funny and surreal all at the same time.

2. What is the worst lie you’ve ever told?

I really can’t tell you that. Some of my sinnin’ is kept between me and myself. I think we all have a few of these moments where we lie about something and then have to sit on it the rest of our lives. Okay, I’ll tell. I was never in the army. I spent three years in a hippy commune in the hills of Oregon and when I visited home, I would rent an Army uniform from a costume shop.

3. If you could write your own epitaph, what would it say?

This has been a discussion among friends for years. I am looking forward to everyone’s answers. Mine is either: Keep of the grass!! or “In times of constant sorrow and depression, always, always go for the punchline. If you don’t make it a joke, then I am just another dead guy. ”

4. If you could have chosen you name what would it have been?

Pete. I think I would have been an excellent Pete.

5. What is in the trunk, or back, of your car?

Jumper cables; car emergency kit; Big old bag of cat litter; windshield fluid; quart of oil; CD changer; tire jack handle that I never put completely away.

7 Replies to “The Friday Fives”

  1. 1) I suppose the book that comes to mind most often is Stephen King’s “The Stand”. That good vs. evil, yet good is really kind of dirty around the edges storyline speaks volumes.

    2) “I have never cheated on you honey.” or possibly, “No, I wasn’t lighting matches, burning the paint off tthe natural gas pipes, under the stairs at the ski lodge.” The second lie did not work and I was busted at 6 years old being a pyro burning the paint off the natural gass pipes, under the stairs at the main lodge at Copper Mountain resort. In my defense, I did not know the pipes were natural gas pipes. They should really keep those locked up and unreachable from 6 year old pyros.

    3) This has been in place for a few years now, just in case…
    “If the world found me as funny as I find myself, then the whole world would be laughing at me.”

    4) Anthony Paul Zeferelli

    5) A futon, knee pads, rope, sleeping bag and a trailer hitch. You can fill in the “Mad Libs” story from here.

  2. !) I don’t know that a book has made an “impact” on my life. The most memorable thus far has been The Blind Assassin. I think that’s because my life was a bit wrecked at the time & I could relate to many of the characters. The book actually made me weep a bit.

    @) The greatest lie I’ve told was uttered many years ago. I said, “I love you” to someone whom I did not actually love.

    #) If I were to be buried, the epitaph on my tombstone would read: “Sod Off.”

    $) I couldn’t have chosen a better name than Belva & Ed did. It’s an ice breaker & a conversation piece.

    %) The junk in my trunk includes: a blanket for park reading, a funnel for motor oil refreshing, a spare tire (I think) and various other odds & ends I need to start thinking about.

  3. 1. Probably Gatsby—for the lyric beauty of its prose combined with a rather bleak story about the utter pointlessness of the American dream.

    2. It’s a tie between, “I’ve been meaning to call you but I’ve been so busy,” and “I love you too.” That’s rough question—I don’t even want to guess what my all time *worst* was.

    3. “This unfortunate death brought to you by Anheuser Busch and Marlboro—who remind you to live life to its fullest!” I’ll sell naming rights to help finance the construction of my mausoleum and shrine.

    4. I always liked “Robert,” as I have an Uncle Robert who I think quite highly of. I also always liked “Henry,” as it was my Dad’s pet name for his little sister. (Also, I like the idea of hearing others whisper, “Oh, Henry” at the *height* of their arousal.)

    5. The TT is noted for its surprisingly spacious trunk. Right now I have half a sandwich back there—and that’s all it will hold! Actually, there’s a box containing various cleaning supplies (leather cleaner, armor all, window cleaner, brake dust remover, etc.) jumper cables and some emergency supplies (candles, flares, et. al.).

  4. 1. The 1st book I ever read for enjoyment (not school) was “The Hobbit”. It got me into reading in general. It was my favorite for years until I read “A Prayer for Owen Meany” It showed me a little something about faith, and I needed that at the time.

    2. “I love you too.”

    3. He so loved the bacon.

    4. Something old school like Hank or Chuck. Or Jack. I like Jack. Or Skip. How about Chipper?

    5. Jumper cables, spare tire, emergency roadside kit, and garbage.

  5. 1. Many different books for all phases of my past & present; from The Painted Bird, to Siddhartha, Anna Karenina, Blood Meridian, Slaughterhouse Five…..the list goes on and on. Impossible to pick one.

    2. Probably something horrid I told my parents during my terribly angst-ridden teens.

    3. “Don’t Panic”

    4. Something infinitely less pedestrian than Jennifer Anne Nelson please. While not particularly exotic, I do like the names Lucy or Emma.

    5. Emergency kit, extra clothes, old seat covers, tool box, jumper cables, washer fluid, extra snow brush and probably an old lime (they always roll out of the bag when I get groceries). Oh, and my S.K.I.T. kit, thanks Julie!

  6. 1. A Clockwork Orange, Wuthering Heights and Of Mice and Men.

    2. My ‘most bad’ lie is definitely “I love you”. Even worse is the addendum “of COURSE I’m not seeing anyone else!”.

    3. I still love the classic “I TOLD you I was sick!” – although the plan of having a marble bench with cup-holder/ash tray combo emblazoned with “Sit Your Bad Ass Down Fer A Spell” plucks at my heartstrings.

    4. I’m very content with my name. I’ve never wanted to be anything different. Thanks for the forethought, Dad.. you sot.

    5. I got a FULL ‘disaster’ kit (including flares, space blankets, water, fire-making tools) as well as a vintage dress I’ve meant to have repaired. Oh, and the remains of “Hoffa” something or other.

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