Posted on June 24, 2005May 16, 2011 by RoyWacky Friday Fotos Place your caption in the comments section below.
Keenly aware of the damaging effects of the sun, Sage dresses her children accordingly for a nice June day at the beach.
“Billy O’Connor, seen far right, was hoping no one noticed his blurry parasitic twin protruding from his waistcoat.” (btw, R-dub – GOOD ONE)
knowing this picture would only be in black and white, young Elgin prayed that history might forget his rather unforunate pink knitted cap.
Keenly aware of the damaging effects of the sun, Sage dresses her children accordingly for a nice June day at the beach.
“Billy O’Connor, seen far right, was hoping no one noticed his blurry parasitic twin protruding from his waistcoat.”
(btw, R-dub – GOOD ONE)
I remember the winter day when I went mad.
The members of the St. Jude’s Orphans softball team were none too pleased with their last loss.
knowing this picture would only be in black and white, young Elgin prayed that history might forget his rather unforunate pink knitted cap.