The Friday Fives

1. What was your favorite breakfast cereal when you were a kid?
Cap’n Crunch, followed by a close second with Lucky Charms.

2. What is the best toy/prize you ever got in a box of cereal or because of sending in UPC’s?
I remember one summer Mom and I saved box tops from King Vitamin cereal and then sent away for his castle and village play set, a monstrosity of cardboard cut outs of midevil fun. It was the best toy ever, I played with it for hours and hours and entire summer. Mom said it was the best $1.50 she ever spent.

3. How do you take your eggs (scrambled, over easy, egg beaters)?
I like my eggs either poached or basted.

4. What is your favorite breakfast meat (bacon, ham, sausage)?

5. What is your favorite spot (local or chain restaurant) for breakfast and where is it located?
Of late, it has been the Bull and Bush – Double Bloody Mary’s and Screwdrivers are the special and the Hollandaise sauce is real, it is fresh and it is homemade. mmmmmm.

7 Replies to “The Friday Fives”

  1. 1. I go with roy, Cap’n Crunch! mmmm
    2. None of them, they all sucked.3
    3. Over easy, in a heuvos rancheros! mmmmmm
    4. BACON – followed closely by Candian Bacon.
    5. Lately? Charlie Brown’s! MMMM and cheap, and strong drinks too!

  2. 1. I was also a fan of the CapÂ’n. Mouth sores and all, I loved that crap. I also loved Sugar Crisp. Sickly sweet, but crispy.
    2. I used to eat A LOT of Cinnamon Toast Crunch, and it always came with a crazy straw. After a time, I had like 20 crazy straws, and could turn the most mundane cocktail into hours of entertainment. I could leave the cocktail in another room, and still enjoy it from afar. Ah, booze. My friend.
    3. I does love me eggs. Scrambled is good. Over easy is also good. Poached has its time and place.
    4. BACON. One morning in Las Vegas I decided to see how much bacon I could eat at one sitting. Bacon omelet. Bacon mimosas. Side of bacon. Bacon between pancakes. The possibilities were endless. That morning, I gained 5 pounds, got my sodium intake for 17 days, and would do it again in a heartbeat. . . .provided my heart keeps beating.

  3. 5. While I, too have spent some quality time at the Bull and Bush, my fave is PhilÂ’s Place. Awful neighborhood. The joint reeks of Lysol. But the waitress is always happy to see me, the beers are like $1.25, and the green chili smothered breakfast burritos are outstanding. OUTSTANDING!

  4. Ahh, Phil’s Place. Yes, I remember it well. Load up the car, kids. Let’s go!

  5. 1. I’m with Roy, Cap’n Crunch followed by Lucky Charms. Of course Ma Nelson wouldn’t let us have sugary cereals, so it had to wait til we got to Grandma’s.

    2. Sea Monkey set from a box of Count Chocula.

    3. Scrambled.

    4. Turkey (because it’s better for me)

    5. Bull’n’Bush, Charlie Brown’s & Racines.

  6. 1. Cocoa Pebbles and Lucky Charms were my grains of choice at Grandma and Grandpa’s house. And yes, of COURSE I ate the marshmallows first.
    2. Sea Monkeys, as well. I forget from which cereal, but they did provide hours of entertainment until they started dying and made the place smell like a wharf. Stupid monkeys. They weren’t even monkeys. I think that’s why I hate monkeys to this day. I cannot get past my disappointment.
    3. Over easy.. served with some sort of bread product to soak up the yolk. Das’ livin’.
    4. Bacon rules my roost. Thick-sliced applewood smoked bacon.
    5. I have many. Pete’s, Racine’s, Hotcakes..

  7. 1. quisp. yes, quisp. with the outrageous little prick with a helicopter on his head. i haven’t seen it in stores in years.
    2. i don’t remember. i’m sure it was kickass.
    3. i like ’em scrambled with some kind of veggies and cheese. “Cheggs” if you will.
    4. not a real fan of breakfast meats….if i have to choose one i’d say turkey bacon.
    5. bull & bush in glendale. i’ve gotten sick of charlie brown’s, only because we have lived right down the block for 3 years.

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