Friday Fives

1. You can invite 2 artists to your house, but they must sing together. Who are they and what one song will they sing?
Willie Nelson and Emmylou Harris. They would sing Christmas songs.

2. Are you on “the light side” or “the dark side”?
Oh, I am on the dark side of the force.

3. If you could completely start your life over from scratch, what would you do differently the second time around (if anything)?
Stayed in the Army. As a clerk, I would have had such an easy life, even with the wars. And perhaps gone to law school.

4. Do you have any purple clothes in your closet? If so, what items are they? Do you enjoy wearing the color purple?
I went through a purple phase for a bit and had a couple of purple shirts. It is still a favorite color but really anything I wear.

5. What do you picture when you think of garbagemen?
A funny guy, from Craig, Dave Jackosn who was a friend of my dad’s.

10 Replies to “Friday Fives”

  1. 1. Patsy Cline singing “Blue”, as it was MEANT to be. There would be no need for a second artist to accompany her on that song. For a duet, however, I would choose Johnny Cash and Hank Sr. singing “Ball & Chain” – just to see what it would sound like.
    2. “Light” side? “Dark” side? WTF does that mean? Skin tone? Sexual proclivity? Affinity for good vs. evil? Milk vs. dark chocolate? I can be either, depending on what the question is really asking. I’ll leave it a mystery.
    3. The things I’d do differently would be to find certain friends long before I actually did.

  2. 4. I’m happy to say that my purple CCD scrubs will NO LONGER be worn by yours truly. I can hardly wait to burn them. Aside from those hideous things, I do have one purple flowered dress that I rather like.
    5. Oscar the Grouch, of course. Oh, and the trash truck that NEVER FAILS TO GET THE GARBAGE AT 9AM ON SATURDAYS. F*@$ing jerks.

  3. !) David Bowie & Peter Murphy singing anything. I’d be a happy-go-lucky kid.

    @) I think I’m on the grey side. I don’t wish ill toward anyone but, am too lazy to defend the oppressed.

    #) I’d have paid more attention in high school & snagged a scholarship for college.

    $) I have a Tori Amos, To Venus and Back Tour tee that’s purple. I like wearing it although I don’t think it has anything to do with Harold.

    %) I envision Charlie Sheen & Emilio Estevez (or whoever it was in that garbage caper movie from the 80’s).

  4. 1. Elvis Costello and Jim Reeves. TheyÂ’d each do a solo set, and then knock us dead with a Nashville-meets-Liverpool finale accompanied by pianist Burt Bacharach.

    2. I pretend to be on the dark side, but in my heart, IÂ’m all Jedi.

    3. I would invent the Internet. And Post-its. And I would have grown some balls at an earlier age, and lived lifeÂ’s possibilities, rather than its limitations.

    4. I donÂ’t think I still have any flat-out, full-on purple clothes. I have an Ungaro shirt thatÂ’s magenta and navy that looks purple in certain lights. I also have a pair of aubergine Prada shoes that are very cool. All told, though, itÂ’s not my color.

    5. When it comes to garbage men (and women), IÂ’m overtaken less by an image than of a smell. A sickening smell of a festering garbage on a summer morning. I must be hungover.

  5. 1. Lisa Gerrard and Brenden Perry singing Enigma of the Absolute, although I may pass out from the intensity.

    2. Don’t be fooled by all the glitter and pink lipstick…dark side all the way.

    3. Done a semester or two of college overseas.

    4. Yep, a few lavender items. It is *supposedly* on my color palette.

    5. Oscar the Grouch!

  6. 1.
    The first is Joe Myers, who you have probably never heard of before. The other is (of course) Billy Corgan. I would not allow them to sing together, Billy’s voice just doesn’t jibe with anything but his guitar. That being said, and since I have changed the rules… each musician will play one song at my behest. For Joe, I would ask him to do Jade, and I’d have Billy do Mayonnaise.

    Honestly, I had to intervene on that one. Remember last time someone tried that? A very young David Bowie was a guest star on the Bing Crosby Christmas Special. Bowie didn’t want to sit on camera more than a minute without any lines, so he added a whole verse to ‘Little Drummer Boy’? What a weird disaster. I love Bowie, and have strangely become a fan of that version… but you just don’t go splitting genres like that.

    Are you talking about my thing for black women? That is a myth. Oh, you meant the whole truth and justice thing. Surely I would be a ‘Light Side’ type person. Remember, I am a Democrat, so I believe in all that stupid stuff like clean air and giving non whites a fair shot at opportunity.

    What are you implying? Did I totally screw this one up? Just kidding. I would pay much more attention in school. I would have had much more self confidence too. I was plagued with feelings I was a loser and doomed to be alone for life pretty much until college (when I started getting laid). Is that normal? I would have started writing and playing music earlier. Also, I would have gotten into politics and volunteering at a much earlier age… so I could be more helpful. Of course, I can’t say that. Ok, this is a biggie, I would have learned to be way more handy at every opportunity (like, fixing cars and stuff).

    Yes, I have a cool purple dress shirt. Y’all know I am a freak by now… so my love of things like Purple shouldn’t surprise anyhow. However, now purple is everywhere. When I was a kid, purple was like Snuffleupagus (Big Bird’s invisible mammoth best friend). It was a well kept secret, now everyone knows. See, back in the 70’s, only Big Bird (and us kids viewing) could see Snuffleupagus… so he was our secret friend. I guess a bunch of executives realized they were possibly giving American kids a mass neurosis by giving every kid in America the same invisible pal. Nonsense! Look at me, I turned out fine.

    First thought, honestly, is Mexican guys. I hate to stereotype, but every garbage man I have had has been Mexican. Next, I think of them as the few people in America who are truly ‘working for a living’. After that, I wonder if I have too much trash and if they think of me as a big jerk for having all that lawn crap out there. Then, I wonder if me and my wife make more or less trash then most. Indeed, a weird question… but an honest answer.

  7. 1. I’d love to hear David Bowie’s sweet voice blend with Susan McKeown’s perfect pitch.
    2. Mmm, dark side baby. I love evil.
    3. I would have allowed myself to love more, but I’m making up for it now.
    4. I don’t think so……not really my thing.
    5. Mmm, drippy trash

  8. 1. matt skiba (alkaline trio) and the girl from the cranes. i think i would pass away.
    2. “light side”. i’m a motherfucking saint.
    3. oh jesus christ, i would change almost everything except jenn. i have made some very very poor choices, and never tapped into my potential.
    4. i have no purple. i like the color, but would never wear it.
    5. “haat gaabaage” – a. darrow

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