Friday Fives

1. Do you prefer to be the driver or passenger?
I don’t know if I have a hard fast rule on this. driving is great and for longer trips, I certainly enjoy some time behind the wheel. But it is kind of nice to just surrender all responsibility and hand the keys over to someone else and let them haul your ass around.

2. When you drive somewhere, do you prefer to take the long way or quickest route?
Work and errands, quickest route. Longer trips, I often prefer the longer scenic route.

3. Do you have road rage?
I used to but lately, I would say over the past couple ofyears, I no longer get in a hurry on the road. And as a result, the road rage passes. Take you time getting there eases up most of the competitive anger that driving the roads can bring out.

4. What is the longest road trip you have taken?
From Stuttgart, Germany to London, England.

5. What would your reaction be if you were driving and saw an animal run into the road?
Squeeze them brakes! Having had my customary Western Colorado run in with a deer, I am not keen on a reenactment.

6 Replies to “Friday Fives”

  1. !) I prefer to be the driver at all times. The control freak comes out in me for vehicle adventures anywhere.

    @) I typically take the quickest routes. I find trying to engage scenery whilst driving leads to mishaps & I fear getting lost.

    #) No road rage here. I’ve yelled a couple of times but, to no avail so now I just take ’em as they come.

    $) Denver to Los Angeles via the northern route to visit my brother near Reno.

    %) I tend to hit the brakes a bit too hard when I see a furry or scaly friend crossing the road. I was a dangerous swerver in the past.

  2. 1. My passenger/driver status depends upon who is driving the vehicle. For puttering around town, I like to be at the helm.
    2. If the ‘quickest route’ involves the highway, I usually opt for the longer back roads. Monaco and University are my friends.
    3. I have spurts of road rage, but only when the other vehicle (in my opinion) endangers myself or the people in my car. I will never understand why people a) change lanes with no signal, b) cut people off going 65 mph and c) ride on my bumper while going 65 mph. These things make me boil.
    4. As a child, it was from Muskogee to the Red Woods forest in Northern California. As an adult, it’s a toss up between Vegas and Muskogee – both about a 10 hour trip. If only we could do away with Kansas and Utah, the world would be a better place.

  3. 5. Having had many experiences with this, I know that all you can do is firmly apply the brakes without slamming them down so you don’t lose control. I’ve come close to hitting deer, pheasants and dogs (the dog story is horrific and happened on Colo Blvd – while I missed her, the car next to me didn’t. Worst. Sound. Ever.) – but I only made contact with, of all things, a porcupine. That made my heart hurt, thinking I could have killed or maimed it. But, what can you do when faced with a large, non-nimble animal at night on a VERY curvy road? *sniff*

  4. (these Q’s are kind of lame. . ..)

    1. I agree with RW. I like driving for the joy of it (i.e., pushing the car to extremes and just *going*). But as a passenger, you take in things that you wouldnÂ’t ordinarily see. Generally speaking I feel safer driving than riding though.

    2. Quickest, quickest, quickest. Which in Denver isnÂ’t always the shortest route. Stupid T-Rex.

    3. I get pissed off at asshole drivers, and swear constantly when stuck in traffic, but I do not have road rage. If anything, IÂ’m an over-courteous driver who goes to extremes to be safe.

    4. Once took a bus trip from Denver to NYC and back with a bunch of swell teens. It lasted about 2 ½ weeks, and was one of the greatest opportunities I’ve ever had to see this land of our. From the oceans to the prairies, to the mountains (white with snow!). God bless America. My home sweet home.

    5. I would take whatever action endangered my own life the least.

  5. 1. Passenger……do I need to say it? I rather dislike driving.

    2. Longer route, if it means avoiding the highway.

    3. Not really, I listen to classical music or KEWZ and mosey around. I do have occasional bursts of obscenities when I’m cut off or threatened by someone’s stupidity.

    4. Denver to Seattle (and back some 10 months later).

    5. Immediate & evasive maneuvers.

  6. 1. Always prefer to be the passenger, I’m not a great driver and Edward is!
    2. The long way is fine as I’ll probably be asleep.
    3. I like to cuss so sure!
    4. My trip from Steamboat to Calagry, which then took me to Van Couver, then to Oregon, then to south California. I was gone 4 weeks!
    5. Try to stop, swerve it it’s big, hit it if it’s small and pray that it won’t bring bad karma!

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