Friday Fives
1. What do you do for a living?
I am a “Fraud Specialist” at Nextel. Basically, I look at a few accounts everyday and determine if they were set up using fraudulent credit. I basically follow our sales force around the database and undue what they have done because they are working so hard to get a commission that they cut corners. But I also work on issues of identity theft and account hijacking and adjust charges/deactivate accounts were invalid charges have occurred.
2. What do you like most about your job?
I am generally do a good thing and am actually contributing to some good in the world. It is a laid back department with smart people and a very generous corporation.
3. What do you like least about your job?
When I close one of our tickets wrong, I know I will get dinged the next day and it irritates me that I can let little things like that slip by.
4. When you have a bad day at work it’s usually because _____…
I am unable to fulfill God’s glory and message while pinned in my cube.
5. What other career(s) are you interested in?
Porn. *
*(see the dichotomy between 4 and 5? That is a joke, you see. We built the foundation in the joke in number 4 when I made up the crap about Jesus and then slammed the joke home, (in the humor parlance, “the hammer”) by going the other way – again in the world of humor writing a misdirection – by tossing in the porn reference.)
via Friday Fives.
1. What do you do for a living? I suppose I am a professional nursing student. Not to be confused with a professional student nurser.
2. What do you like most about your job? Getting to see all kinds of gross and fascinating stuff, while being further educated on the Human Condition.
3. What do you like least about your job? Positioning morbidly obese patients. I heart my back.
4. When you have a bad day at work it’s usually because _____… I was bored and the day dragged on and on.
5. What other career(s) are you interested in? An official whiskey taster.