Friday Fives
At this moment, what is your favorite…
1. …song?
The Thrill Is Gone – by – B.B. King (He was on old school Letterman reruns last night and the song has stayed with me.)
2. …food?
Green Chili Smothered Chili Relleno. (I think that is going to be my lunch.)
3. …tv show?
That 70s Show (Damn, that Red Foreman is funny!)
4. …scent?
Vanilla. (Mmmmm, beans.)
5. …quote?
“Writing is easy. All you have to do is cross out all the wrong words.” Mark Twain. (Actually, my favorite Twain quote goes something like “There are few words in the English language and I will be damned if I can only use some of them. (referring to swear words). However, I cannot find the exact quote.)
via Friday Fives.
At this moment, what is your favorite…
1. …song?
The Thrill Is Gone – by – B.B. King (He was on old school Letterman reruns last night and the song has stayed with me.)
2. …food?
Green Chili Smothered Chili Relleno. (I think that is going to be my lunch.)
3. …tv show?
That 70s Show (Damn, that Red Foreman is funny!)
4. …scent?
Vanilla. (Mmmmm, beans.)
5. …quote?
“Writing is easy. All you have to do is cross out all the wrong words.” Mark Twain. (Actually, my favorite Twain quote goes something like “There are few words in the English language and I will be damned if I can only use some of them. (referring to swear words). However, I cannot find the exact quote.)
OOOOOOOOOOPS I didn’t mean to post that! I had pasted the whole thing instead of question by question. I am no plagiarist. Pesky ‘enter’ key! Here are my answers:
At this moment, what is your favorite…
1. …song? “Happy Birthday” by Altered Images has been my latest fave tune. Like, totally.
2. …food? Lucerne large curd cottage cheese with hot sauce.
3. …tv show? The Apprentice. There, I said it. It’s horrible.
4. …scent? Holiday Vanilla Spice or something like that from Bath & Body Works. Smells like cookie.
5. …quote? “The problem with the world is that everyone is a few drinks behind.” ~ Humphrey Bogart
Ha ha. We are sooo much alike!?!
1. …song? the NPR All Things Considered Theme Song (because that’s what I listen to in my car a zillion hours a day)
2. …food? Fat free bologna on wheat bread with spicy katsup (I know, sounds gross, but it’s good!…and healthy)
3. …tv show? Curb Your Enthusiasm (because it’s sort of like living with Reid)
4. …scent? Pikake lotion from Hawaii
5. …quote?
“A woman is like a tea bag- you never know how strong she is until she gets in hot water.”
Eleanor Roosevelt
Jenny’s weird.
no. you.