Friday Fives

1. What do you like most: Fridays, Saturdays, or Sundays (and why)?
With my new schedule at work, all three are my new days off, which totally rocks. I think Friday and Sunday are my favorite days off.

2. What was the best weekend of your life?
We took a whirlwind weekend trip in a Jeep CJ7 across Europe while stationed in the Army. We drove to London from Stuttgart and barely had enough time to turn around and get back in time for morning formation on Monday. Best.weekend.ever.

3. What weekend of the year is your favorite?
Memorial day weekend is also known as Grand Old Roy days – my multi day birthday celebration. Please, no wagering.

4. Would you rather live in a world where there was no such thing as pain, but also no such thing a sports – or – where there was no such hting as world hunger but also no such thng as Jim K. Bullock?
A world without Bulluck – we don’t need him, as funny as he was on “The Square.” March madness is upon us, so I say let’s go pain free.

5. Describe your ideal Saturday night.
Dancing, at the disco, getting ready for the big dance contest.

6 Replies to “Friday Fives”

  1. !) I prefer Saturdays because they’re relaxed & yet I still have enough energy & motivation to get things done.

    @) I’m going to say this coming weekend will be the best of my life because we’re moving out of the ghetto & into a spacious new apartment. It’ll really be good once everything is done!

    #) Currently, I prefer the weekend after Xmas because with my new job, I’m never working around that time of the year.

    $) I’m going with no pain & no sports. Sports are for nerds.

    %) My ideal Saturday night is hanging out with friends, dinner & booze.

  2. 1) It is different now, then 6 months ago. It’s called Baby Joe and the damn thing just won’t leave. I wonder if eBay would allow a sale? (Really, I do love my son and would never sell him. I might consider an even trade though. Please don’t call Social Services on me.)

    2) There was the one with the dwarfs and zebra, but it really wasn’t as fun as it sounds. Alone and cruising around London for a weekend was pretty darn cool. Stayed at the Dutch hostile, went to cool shows, ate at back alley pubs, it was…well…cool.

    3) Unlike Roy, I think Labor Day is the best weekend. I love Fall and 3 days off from work are cool. (I guess everything is cool today)

    4) Call me ignorant, but I have no idea who in the hell Jimmy boy is, so get rid of him and world hunger. (I even tried to Google the bastard and he didn’t come up, so screw him and his little dog too.)

    5) I’ve always thought fighting was alright on Saturday night.

  3. 1. I like Fridays. The work week is over, and the bacchanalian of Ed’s big weekend can begin in earnest.

    2. My life just keeps getting better and better. I’m thinking *this* weekend will be the best one ever! Go team! WHOOOOOOO

    3. Easter is awesome. We celebrate the bodysnatching of Christ, and then have an enormous meal that Jew’s wouldn’t come near with a ten foot pole. Any weekend that allows me to offend Jews and Christians, *and* enjoy pork products is a winner in my book.

    4. Death to Jim J. That was almost too easy. I this a trick question?

    5. Oh…I love the nightlife–I got to boogie in the disco’ round oh yeah. Actually any more my ideal Saturday night consists of a late dinner out at someplace fabulous, after dinner cocktails, and then getting’ my luv on. I guess I’m getting too old for the disco’ round?

  4. 1. I’m thinking Friday. It’s daddy daughter day for me usually.

    2. It was a camping trip over Memorial Day weekend 1990 or 91. A bunch of friends at the Great Sand Dunes national monument. Good, good times and I lost my virginity.

    3. I’m with R-dub. Memorial Day weekend is the start of summer and always promises sunny, happy days are coming soon.

    4. I think you mean Jim J. Bullock. And yes, I think we should rid the world of him and hunger.

    5. Hookers and blow, baby, hookers and blow.

  5. 1. What do you like most: Fridays, Saturdays, or Sundays (and why)?

    Fridays. Why? Because Friday holds all the hope of what the weekend could be. Saturday is swell, but gets caught up do more errands and busy work than unbridaled fun. Sundays? Sunday’s are for football, and if all goes well… sleeping in.

    2. What was the best weekend of your life?

    Geesh. I think probably my wedding, because all the people I care about were in one place… here. You don’t get those opportunities much in life, and too often it may be a funeral that brings us all together. Funeral sad, wedding good. This is why I routinely tell my therapist that my entire family is ‘dead to me’. It is a preventative emotional barrier so I can skip potential future funerals. Seems pretty sound, eh?

    3. What weekend of the year is your favorite?

    fall is always super great, because Denver summers can be way meaner than you think. Plus, on Labor Day we get together in Northern Arizona for the party of the year. This year will be the tenth annual. You can come too, bring a tent and a guitar.

    4. Would you rather live ina world where there was no such thing as pain, but also no such thing a sports – or – where there was no such hting as world hunger but also no such thng as Jim K. Bullock.

    well, I am crazy for football Sundays and my beloved Broncos… so I will let you figure that one out.

    5. Describe your ideal Saturday night.

    I call them the ‘Saturday Night Fiascos’. This is when everyone ends up at my house. We drink a lot and cook a lot and play guitars all night long. Always a good time, much money is saved, and all have a safe place to crash if need be.

  6. 1) Saturday is ideal. I don’t have to work, though I’m still high on the accomplishments of the previous week. Best of all I have yet another day ahead of me to relax. And by “relax” I mean, do laundry and clean my house while hungover.

    2) Since none come immediately to mind, I can only hope it still lies ahead of me. Otherwise, I’m a sad individual or just have a terrible memory.

    3) Thanksgiving! 4 days off, one with good food, friends and family, then the anit-thankful day of greedily fighting stay-at-home mom’s for $5 Play Station games at Best Buy at 3 a.m. and finally two days to “relax” (see #1 for explanation).

    4) What a pickle, I love my hockey, but I love my “Too Close for Comfort.” Alas, since there is hope for new hockey and not so much for “Too Close for Comfort: the Retirement Years”, I must welcome in world hunger.

    5) I rely on the spontaneous, so I will just vaguely say, it involves Jude Law & liquor.

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