The Friday Fives

1. What’s the biggest difference between you now and ten years ago?

About 40 lbs less of me to assess.

2. What’s the worst food to get hit by in a food fight?

An uncarved cantaloupe.

3. What is a movie where the bad guys won?

The Usual Suspects

4. What is the highest paying job that requires little to no interaction with other people?

Software beta testers? Call center Quality Assurance monitors? Concert solo cellist? Those are my three guesses.

5. What career would you choose if salary didn’t matter?

I had a friend back in Craig (Hi Dr. Dave) and he suggest that if he ever hit it big he would be a professional T-ball coach and I have to second that motion – what a dreamy occupation.

2 Replies to “The Friday Fives”

  1. 1) Roy gave me 40 + lbs.

    2) Digested food.

    3) All of the Fast nad Furious movies

    4) Fortune 500 CEOs – you never see them and never meet them, the little interaction they have is direct the world power structure.

    5) Run a small theater.

  2. 1) I’m in a much better place with a career that offers more.

    2) Live lobster

    3) American History X

    4) Russian Oligarch, I e never seen one but I hear it pays really well.

    5) Sarcastic ass hole

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