The Friday Fives

1. What weird food combinations do you really enjoy?

Trust me on this – Pringles plain potato chips, and iceberg lettuce.

Take a leave of torn lettuce and put it between the Pringles chip for a tasty sandwich snack.

2. What social stigma does society need to get over?

Just let go of hatin’ on all the gays and the trans – how does any of that affect you?

3. What food have you never eaten but would really like to try?

Fugu fish which is lethally poisonous to humans due to its tetrodotoxin, meaning it must be carefully prepared to remove toxic parts and to avoid contaminating the meat. Maybe just a bite to ensure I don’t die.

4. What’s something you really resent paying for?

Our ridiculous complex policy charging a fee for concierge trash removal from our front door. I would applaud this if there were an ability to opt out or if I didn’t live on the first floor very near the dumpster – making the whole idea kind of ridiculous.

5. What would a world populated by clones of you be like?

A bit lazy but kind and compassionate with a flair for a zippy joke.

2 Replies to “The Friday Fives”

  1. 1) Grilled cheese with pickles. I know it’s not that weird but I’m a picky eater so…

    2) Religions are just as stupid as fraternities and sororities. None of them are useful except for judging and excluding others.

    3) Deep fried Snickers.

    4) HOAs are the worst and they rarely do anything positive or helpful.

    5) It would be a disaster. I definitely should not be cloned.

  2. 1) Carrot and peanut butter sandwiches. I grew up on them and the are lovely.

    2) The most current is the idea that everything is a massive conspiracy. In today’s world, it is impossible to do some of the things a large number of Americans believe in (i.e., stolen presidential election, fake news – but only when it doesn’t fit my own narrative, complete unedited history, the list goes on and on.)

    3) Authentic Chinese food in China. I can only imagine how horrid Chinese folks would think the food we consider Chinese is here.

    4) Tips. America is one of only a few countries that consider tips standard. And now, tipping has gone into crazy land with there being a tip line on a credit card slip at a drive-through liquor store.

    5) Climb over the dead bodies and get it done and move forward kind of world…basically the zombie apocalypse, but with a certain amount of compassion.

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