Friday Fives


1. What characters of TV show would you like to see meet each other?
Ross from Friends needs to me Elaine from Seinfeld. They are both pretty despicable. Imagine the plots as they manipulate each other week after week and then both always end up in bed. And they are both dancers.

2. What movie would be better if the protagonist was high all the time?
Well, I think Lebowski is already high all the time. Maybe we should weed up Nixon in the Frost Nixon movie. Yes, Nixon on weed starting the war on drugs. Nixon on weed meeting Elvis in the oval office.

3. What show do you wish was still on tv/Netflix/etc?
Sports Night. The West Wing. The Newsroom. Sorkin, Sorkin, Sorkin. Bring me more Sorkin.

4. What’s the best movie you’ve seen that you wouldn’t recommend to anyone?
I am a softy for old movies, especially late 1960s and 1970s cinema. One favorite that runs through my mind on a replay reel is 1967’s “Fitzwilly” starring Dick Van Dyke. It is dated and my peeps wouldn’t like it but I enjoy it.

5. What movie title would be funniest if you said balls deep somewhere in it?
“Mary Poppins: Balls Deep”

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