Friday Fives

1.What was your favorite cartoon as a child?
Johnny Quest and Scobby Doo

2. Do you read comic books? Why or why not?
As a kid I read Green Lantern, Archie and Richie Rich. As a grown up I read “Maus” and “Watchmen”

3. Have you read a book and thought it should be turned into a movie? If so, which book?
Just finished “Firewall” and it would be a great spy novel. According to the internet, it has been optioned for a movie.

4. Do you watch cartoons now if you are a teenager/adult?
Sometimes I will drift over to Adult Swim. And of course The Simpsons and King of the Hill.

5. What is your favorite quote from a television show?

2 Replies to “Friday Fives”

  1. 1)Thunder cats HOOO!
    2)not any more.
    3)Many many books that should be movies but hollywood would F them up!
    4)yes, love many different ones. Harvey Bird Man Atorney at Law.
    5)This is an impossible question. Much like a single favorite movie quote a single TV quote is not realistic.

  2. (let me start by saying that i’ve never been so happy to see the friday fives in my inbox…)
    1. scooby doo, transformers and bugs bunny

    2. i vaguely recall reading archie and richie rich as a kid. i definitely remember sandman, elektra assassin, watchmen and batman graphic novels as an adult.

    3. i looked up ‘extremely loud and incredibly close’ (by jonathan safran froer) and it’s apparently “in development”

    4. i used to watch ‘drawn together’…disturbingly funny stuff. when babysitting my 4-year old niece, i’m forced to watch ‘wow wow wubzey’ which is, at least, 1000x better than barney (although 10 viewings of the same episode gets rather old).

    5. “Scully, you have to believe me. Nobody else on this whole damn planet does or ever will. You’re my one in five billion.”

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