Friday Fives

1. Do you believe in good and/or bad luck?
I have a bit of a superstitious streak in me. I believe in Karma and the balance of ying and yang – and in a western context, that is good and bad luck.

2. Do you believe there is one man/woman luckier than all the rest?
Karl Kipper. Karl Kipper is the luckiest Mofo around.

3. When was the last time you considered yourself lucky?
My lane merge on my commute this morning as I negotiated the always perilous Dry Creek death merge to line up for the County Line exit. Each day I successfully negotiate this is a lucky day. (I have nearly been re ended at that exit countless times. )

4. What is the most unlucky thing to ever happen to you?
Well, not counting my ill fated lottery wins, I have no real unlucky moments that quickly come to mind. I am generally pretty lucky in life.

5. Where do you think luck (good or bad) comes from?
As I said above, karma and the balance and working towards the good through most of your actions, thoughts and deeds will deal you a better lucky hand in life.

4 Replies to “Friday Fives”

  1. 1) Yes. There is chaos in the world and luck is a lady tonight. But is she good luck or bad, hmmmm?

    2) Paris Hilton…seriously, she should’ve been taken out by natural selection years ago.

    3) I should say the day my twins were born, but luck had nothing to do with it…a missed trip to the vasectomy doctor caused that one. But on that same note, 1.5 years later I am lucky to still be unable to have more children.

    4) The day Roy started the Friday Fives…my luck has never quite recovered. And now with the black cat of all people, Karl Kipper, in the mix…shit is almost apocalyptical.

    5) Same place Mother’s Day comes from….Hallmark.

  2. 1. Do you believe in good and/or bad luck?

    I actually very very much believe in the old saying “you make you own luck”

    2. Do you believe there is one man/woman luckier than all the rest?

    you are treading into Gladwell’s latest treatise.
    That is mostly over my head, and too thinky. I would say, generally not. I do believe some are born with more talent than others… which is pretty close. An example? Justin Timberlake. I do not own a single Timberlake song or track (other than ‘Dick in a Box’). So, I don’t know about his singing. I do know, however, he is extremely funny, and a terrific actor. Dude is great looking and extremely personable. I ain’t gay, but Timberlake is hot, talented, funny as well, and a fabulous dancer. That’s all I am saying. I call that talent, you can call it luck. Nothing gay about that, eh?

    3. When was the last time you considered yourself lucky?

    just about every day I pull into my driveway. really. drive up in my nice truck to my own house where my wife and dogs and all that are home waiting. Life is great, I have no complaints. Ok, maybe an occasional bitch… but no regrets.

    4. What is the most unlucky thing to ever happen to you?

    being born a Democrat in Arizona.

    5. Where do you think luck (good or bad) comes from?

    1. luck 2. hard work 3. a positive attitude

  3. 1. I do believe in luck &/or fate. The biggest events of my life had little to do with my own actions, but rather the mysterious workings of the universe.

    2. Yes. His name is Kevin Lang. He wasn’t even expected to survive conception, and yet look at all he’s accomplished. Way to go Kev!

    3. When I dodged the last round of layoffs.

    4. Probably when I took a spill from my bicycle going 30+ mph, and broke all my ribs, my collar bone and smashed up a lung.

    5. I’m feeling pessimistic these days. I’ll say that the universe is basically random. It’s a miracle things work as well as they do.

  4. 1. Do you believe in good and/or bad luck?
    I would love to be superstitious but am too logical for such things. Though, I feel have to believe in Karma simply because my faith in humanity would otherwise be lost. Believing that the same thing will happen to the guy who just cut me off in traffic somehow allows me to be at peace.

    2. Do you believe there is one man/woman luckier than all the rest?
    Not overall, but in streaks, yes. Very much so. It’s all relative though, people, so watch it!

    3. When was the last time you considered yourself lucky?
    They all seem to involve me an something ESPN would call an “extreme sport”

    4. What is the most unlucky thing to ever happen to you?
    Unlucky in love, heath and money. Hard to pick just one.

    5. Where do you think luck (good or bad) comes from?
    Mine? From the dirtiest toilet in the nastiest bar in the bottom of a swamp. And that’s the good luck.

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