Friday Fives

1. Do you keep a journal?
Yes. I have kept a journal off and on for about 20 years. Most of it is just garbage – spill. But I recently looked back on some of them and there is gold in them there books. Perhaps I will share some day (I am at work now and no access to my older journals.)

2. Do you doodle. What is it you doodle?

Yes, I doodle in meetings. I usually draw squares and 3d cubes – for some reason. Perhaps there is a psychotherapist out there who can tell me why.

3. Deep base or rolling melody?
Oh, sure a little rollng melody can get stuck in your head carry you through the day. But a good base line carries the song.

4. When you quibble, and trust me you do, what do quibble about the most?

I quibble about those who complain – that is some dychotomy, isn’t it.

5. How much does Carl Kipper actually owe you?

In terms of financial gain, upwards of millions. In terms of emotional lose, he stole my heart. He had a way of trading bad stocks that made all other brokers swoon. (Unlike last week, I have since looked up Carl Kipper – he works for Merril Lynch and is being sued by a ton of people.)

10 Replies to “Friday Fives”

  1. !. I do not keep a journal. I find that I function best when I focus solely on the present (that should make retirement fun) & have never grasped the catharsis obtained by writing down feelings & happenings on paper.

    @. I used to doodle a lot & came up with a design for my left arm tattoo that’s morphed into something else now. I so rarely pick up a pen anymore that I find my mind doodling away from the topic at hand… ..tralala…

    #. I prefer a rolling melody. I think I’ve spent too much time in clubs because when I hear deep base, I instantly salivate for vodka & cocaine.

    $. I’ve no idea what I quibble about. What in my life is trivial or deserving of a slight criticism? Yes, I had to look the word up to learn its meaning.

    %. Carl Kipper owes me nothing. I was smart enough not to give him anything thanks to my research last week.

  2. Do you keep a journal?

    like a diary? No. I used to keep journals in college, but right now I would say this is truly my journal. Right here, you reading it now! See how generous I am?

    Do you doodle. What is it you doodle?

    not really. If I have a pen in my hand, it’s because I have to… so I am likely making or taking notes.

    Deep base or rolling melody?

    having no idea what that means, I would say rolling melody. Aw, who am I kidding? I have a $1200 stereo in my truck and all I listen to is NPR. I am so lame, it’s just sad.

    When you quibble, and trust me you do, what do quibble about the most?

    * warning to the reader. Upcoming 6 paragraph tangential rant directly ahead. As an editor, I would edit this for being pointless and rambling. However, also being the author… this guy is dead on! The piece remains in tact! – ed

    usually, the utter wrongness of the Republican philosophy and ideology. Like, when Republicans bitch about the monster deficit of the Obama admin. These same people said nothing when Bush racked up the hugest debt in history, and spent every penny overseas. Bush gave 10 billion, BILLION, to Pakistan. No one said a word. Obama wants to spend money in OUR country, on our bridges, on our schools, on our electricity grid and everyone is butt hurt. If you are Republican, you are all retarded failures at everything. Seriously, just go kill yourself. You are the reason why the entire world is in the shitter right now, and instead of doing anything to help anyone, you sit around and listen to Rush waiting for Obama to fail. die.

    As for that awesome comment I hear every day, where people say “I sure would like to find that money tree that Obama gets all this money from”. I say “from the same fucking tree that Bush used for Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Iraq you fucking ignorant asshole. You just didn’t recognize the money because it had never been spent in our own country on our own people before.”

    I mean, everyone asks ‘what if this doesn’t work?’ You mean, what happens if we end this term with nothing but: better roads, newer bridges, better schools, health care for the working class, energy independence, and job creation? Is that your fear? Is that what happens if we ‘fail‘? Or, do you mean, what if he does all that and we are still deep in debt? Well, what do we have to lose? What is the downside of this plan? We are already super deep in debt as a country, and we are approaching 10% unemployment. By fall, 10% of American houses will sit empty, as 10% of Americans are without their homes.

    Seriously, what do we have to lose? Money? Credibility? We are broke, our houses aren’t worth shit, we are in two wars, we are 38th in the world for health care, and the world hates us. What exactly do we have to lose, here? Who gives a shit about our national debt? I mean, who really does? Has the national debt ever been tacked on your burger king bill or paycheck? You never did care before, and you won’t after this. If we are going to print money like the Republicans did (Reagan and the two Bush’s have the highest deficit spending records in history, fact) then why not get something out of it? Why not fix a road or two? Why not throw down some health care for some of the 50 million uninsured in this country so they CAN go to work and pay taxes and spend money in their communities?

    800 billion. Ok, let’s imagine the worse case fiscal scenario. Let’s imagine in eight years we still owe the 800 million. Let’s just say that happens, and the tax revenue to pay it back didn’t materialize. Yet, we owe that but we pay for community college for any kid who wants in, health care is available to all working Americans. Let’s imagine that we don’t worry about Muslim extremists bombing our country because they are all dead ass broke because we don’t buy their oil anymore? A bankrupt terrorist isn’t too much of a threat this far away. Wanna stop terrorism? Voting Republican doesn’t do it, not buying gas ever again does.

    Let’s say those things happen and we still owe 800 billion to ‘future generations’. Wouldn’t it be worth it? I have had this piece simmering violently in me for months. It started when all those fucktards in Congress (both parties) that passed the TARP bailout that bought new jets for all those wall street assholes and still haven’t loaned a penny to the American blue collar workers. Where we you on that one? That whole piece of shit buyout went down on Bush’s watch. Socialism? Yeah, it’s happening, and not because of the Dems. Because Bush had to buyout all the banks that robbed your asses since Clinton handed them the keys on the honor system.

    other than that, I an generally and agreeable person. I swear.*

    How much does Carl Kipper actually owe you?

    honestly, that is between Carl and I. I don’t to my dirty laundry in public. By the way, if you see him (and this seems to imply you do see him fairly often), tell him I am looking for him. When you do that, make that knife pantomime motion across your throat for me. He’ll know who its from.

    * ok, that’s it for now. have a great weekend. I love you all, and I am sorry I got so mad at you Republicans. I just can’t tolerate how wrong you have been for the last eight years, and how much deep deep damage you have all done. You all deserve to suffer, frankly, and now you have taken us all down with you.

  3. 1) I did and it was so intensely raw that if you read it, you would go blind from the acid tears that would roll down your cheeks and burn your chin.

    2) I doodle, like Roy, when listening in meetings. AND studies have shown that doodling while in meetings helps you retain what is said (unless it is corporate and moronic drivel, which is why I was doodling.)

    3) I like both. I think of it as the Barrys. A little Manilow and a little White.

    4) We quibble about the varying degrees of how right I am (and I am right.)

    5) Just a message to Carl…I want my two dollars!

  4. 1. I used to be a faithful journal-keeper. On rare occarions I will jot something down of particularly meaningful personal ilk. But most of that stuff is played out in my noggin, as opposed to paper. My brain likes to save trees.

    2. Oh, I doodle, all right.

    3. Rolling melody. Thudding base hurts my ears. Damn kids these days. I’d shake my fist, but I’m too old and crotchety.

    4. Other drivers, meteorologists, FM radio, BoHo fashion and pharmaceutical commercials. (Warning: this opinion may cause asthma, hemorrhagic fever, hepatitis, diarrhea, constipation, dry eye, insomnia, somnolence, acne, cancer, Rickets, death, near-death, Tourette’s, schizophrenia, epistaxis, hematuria, vomiting, anorexia, blood clots and euphoria)

    5. He owes me a lapdance, damn it. Shake that Kipper’d snack. (first thing that came to mind. sorry for the disturbing visual.)

  5. 1. I’ve never faithfully kept a journal. I used to write a near daily email missive about the adventures of Ed’s journey through life. However, most of those missives were chock full of artistic embellishments, and I took a lot of liberties with narrative structure for the sake of a good story. I don’t write as often as I used to–usually I keep a travelogue when I travel to new places (watch your inboxes kids–Eddie’s goin’ to Amsterdam tomorrow!).

    2. I don’t doodle. Now when I’m stuck on boring conference calls I either play mindless computer games, or look at Craigslist for laughs.

    3. Rolling melody. I like wimpy music. If the singer is male, under 120 pounds, and oh-so-tortured, I probably like it.

    4. My fucking boss. My job. How much money I’ve lost. That’s pretty much it.

    5. What’s the price tag on virginity these days, Nall? That’s what I’m after.

  6. 1.) Like Tony, I used to journal. One day, after reading my journals, I decided to do everyone a favor, including myself, and burn them, not because they revealed secrets worth telling, but simply because they were so badly written and the information was so ridiculous (clearly, not worth retelling) that it embarrassed me. Was I really that silly, dumb, naive, foolish and on and on? Yes. And my journals confirmed it, and so with great relish I lit a match to their paper and made the world a better place.

    2.) I used to doodle in class. I’d draw long spaceships and round planets. In ninth grade math class I handed in my homework and on the margins were long spaceships and round planets. My school teacher, a woman from Germany with a Hitler accent (she had to have been in the SS during WWII), held up my homework and shouted to the class that I drew porno pictures in my margins. I corrected her by saying, “Those aren’t penises and vaginas! They’re long spaceships flying toward round planets!” You decide.

    3.) I’m with Tony. Both. Manilow and White. John Williams and Nine Inch Nails. Wagner and Moby.

    4.) I sometimes quibble with my self, about anything worth quibbling over, and the quibble can get quite quibbly.

    5.) All I can say about Carl is, dude, you should have kept your finger up my bum, massaging by bladder. I wish you hadn’t followed your heart into career change.

  7. 1)used to but I think my mom sold them at a grage sale. so if you see some totaly pathetic movie it may have come from one of my journals.
    3)mood can dictate witch is better at that time.
    4)I don’t quibble I straight up bitch about shit.
    5)That bastard owes me my soul!

  8. 1. i used to. they were, as mentioned previously, self-absorbed and tedious. now i’m afraid to journal. afraid that it will confirm my own irrelevance.

    2. i doodle in my work notebook. and on my homework handouts (clearly a carryover from school daze).

    3. i likes me some deep & sexy base.

    4. i quibble with bankers. that’s 70% of my day.

    5. my lawyer says that i still can’t discuss Carl Kipper. once the statue of limitations runs out, i’m goin’ public.

  9. 1. Do you keep a journal?
    Did for a very short while in a tremendously difficult part of my life. It proved useful much later; looking back on the struggle, I know I did the right thing in moving on.

    2. Do you doodle. What is it you doodle?
    Yes, I doodle in meetings, while on the phone, I’d do it on the toilet if I could. I scribble in books, on napkins, whatever you got!

    3. Deep base or rolling melody?
    I listen to ugly punk rock. The songs never last long enough to really get into any of that.

    4. When you quibble, and trust me you do, what do quibble about the most?
    Fairness. Even if I’m getting the better deal, well, especially if I’m getting the better deal. I’d be a terrible socialist. Well, then again…

    5. How much does Carl Kipper actually owe you?
    Never invested much in him, emotionally I mean, and in generally I have extremely low expectations for people other than myself. Having said that, I think we’re at least even.

  10. 1. I actually have only recently begun to keep a journal regularly. I find it relaxes me.

    2. I’m not much of an artist, so when I doodle it ends up just being block letters of the notes I am taking at the time.

    3. Melody!!! Give me a good torch song and I am happy as a lark.

    4. Quibbling is the major part of my work day. I work with 6th graders.

    5. Not a thing. He paid the ultimate price when he decided to “work” with me.

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