Friday Fives

1. Could you live without your phone for 1 week for $500?
Easily. I only use about 300 minutes a month on my cell phone and I have ditched the land line.

2. Whom do you talk to on the phone the most?
Probalby my mother. A weekly hour long call to catch up on the comings and goings on at the ranch. The day to day chatter of Baggs, Wy is precious.

3. Whom do you no longer talk to on the phone but wish you still did?
I had an Army roommate whom I spoke with frequently once I got out of the Army. while in college the two of us was talk on the phone about art, books, music and politics. That friendship has faded over time and I kind of miss the chats.
4. If you could get a hold of one celebrity phone number, whose digits would you want?
Adam Carolla. He is a chatter and laways has somiehting to say. We are the same age, born just days a part and he generally has a similar insight on the world. Of late, through the magic of podcasting, he has become my latest Man Crush.

5. Do you talk on the phone more or less than you used to?
Less. A lot less. I don’t know what drives that. I don’t know if it is because I no longer care what others have to say or whether I no longer have something to say. But either way, I am not usually on the phone.

5 Replies to “Friday Fives”

  1. 1)Both phones get rid of ’em!
    2)Wife, hospitals
    3)Had this friend in high school. I wonder what she is doing.
    4)Toss up John Stewart or Jessica Biel
    5)About the same. Just different people.

  2. !) I would gladly live without my phone for a week for $500.

    @) I speak to Thom on the phone most as I don’t call anyone else frequently.

    #) I don’t wish to speak with anyone on the phone really. +, if I’m not in contact with someone anymore, there’s a reason.

    $) I don’t want any celebrity’s digits, fingers or otherwise.

    %) I talk on the phone much less than I used to. I have Instant Messenger programs, text & email now so the phone is fairly obsolete in my life.

  3. 1.) EasypeasyJapaneseie. But give me the money. Can’t live without that.
    2.) My dead grandmother and Texans.
    3.) All the people I no longer talk with on the phone I do not wish to talk with on the phone today. I’m happy about this.
    4.) On the one hand, I’d love to have the phone number of Kenneth Brannah to chat about his cool Shakespear movies, but on the other hand, if I’m being honest, I’d love to have, as Greger suggested, the digits of Jessica Beil or Jessica Rabbit (I’ll take either/or or both at the same time, real life and animated)–but I’d want the fingernails painted and I’d like the digits kept in a jar of vinegar. Pickled digits are crunchy!
    5.) More because of the Inn and the Texans that stay here. Not a lot of cell phone use, thank God, because cell phones don’t work up here. As much as I appreciate the cell phone technology and it’s usefulness, I hate cell phones like I hate Illinois Nazis. And there’s nothing in this world that I hate more than Illinois Nazis. Other than spinach.

  4. 1. Yes, please. In fact, I’ll give *you* money to take my phone & Blackberry away.

    2. Hmm, probably Snowball or my folks.

    3. No one out there that I can think of.

    4. Johnny Depp – I’d cell-stalk him.

    5. Less for personal calls, more for work.

  5. 1) Yes. We have grown apart lately and are sleeping in different rooms.

    2) I speak to dead people…everywhere.

    3) Sadly, my Mother.

    4) Pennsylvania 6-5000, Obama please.

    5) I am a keep-in-touch kind of guy, so about the same.

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