Friday Fives

1, What does your body tell you when you get out of bed in the morning?
Time to Pee! That and a caffeine addicted alarm clock goes off as well.

2. How well do you treat your body? Do you feed and exercise it well? Go for regular check-ups? I treat my body terribly, at least of the excercise front. I do have regular doctor check ups, taking meds for high bp and cholesterol (My doctor calls it the American Diet cocktail.) I take a huge amount of vitamins and minerals and herbal stuff. I virtually never get a cold or headaches or any kind of sickness – so I must be doing something right. However a treadmill and few sit ups are in my future.

3. What part of your body feels strongest?
Upper thighs and calves. They are beefy muscular appendages.

4. Which is the weakest?
Forearms. I have wimpy forearms. Even in my push up frenzy army days, my forearms were pretty weak.

5. If you had to live without the use of one body part for the rest of your life, which would it be? Why?
My right arm. I am very left handed and only really use the right hand/arm to help carry in some groceries and move a move on the computer. I can relearn and transfer those skills easily enough.

7 Replies to “Friday Fives”

  1. 1. What does your body tell you when you get out of bed in the morning?

    emergency! Get back in bed. What is wrong with you? Ok, just hit the snooze button and climb back in here where it is warm and happy.
    2. How well do you treat your body? Do you feed and exercise it well?

    not as well as I should. I feed it well; no fast food and I cook at home fresh meals nightly. Haven’t been exercising because winter sucks. Now that it is Spring I am back on my bike and tracking with the hound is a lot of running as well.

    3. What part of your body feels strongest?

    my hands. as a writer and musician, I am a big fan of my hands.
    4. Which is the weakest?

    my knees suck ass! Too many surgeries leaves them perpetually sore

    5. If you had to live without the use of one body part for the rest of
    your life, which would it be? Why?

    hair. Can I count hair? I am counting it. this is my site and you can’t tell me what to do. I don’t think you know how I am, do you? You just made a very powerful enemy, bubba. Why? Because I am going bald so I shave my head. That’s why. Plus, quite frankly… I look fab.

  2. 1) WTF!

    2) Up and down. Right now, not so well due to many small children being the focus.

    3) Left arm because I life my very large son Joe with it multiple times a day.

    4) Abs are not rock-hard.

    5) nipples. They are useless and always have been for me.

  3. 1. What does your body tell you when you get out of bed in the morning?

    “erection away so you can pee! ”

    2. How well do you treat your body? Do you feed and exercise it well? Go for regular check-ups?

    I treat my body pretty damned well, excepting the massive amounts of booze I pour into it. I exercise 3-4 times a week and eat very healthy ( no fast food ). I do not get regular checkups but really never need the doc. As I get older, I suspect this will change.

    3. What part of your body feels strongest?

    My liver; its amazing what that thing filters!

    4. Which is the weakest?

    right now, my abs, but I’m working on them 🙂

    5. If you had to live without the use of one body part for the rest of your life, which would it be? Why?

    For purely asthetic reasons, on of my toes. No one would really know and lets face it, my mobility would be unaffected by the loss of one toe.

  4. 1. Geez my head feels heavy. How many prescriptions are you on, anyway?

    2. It’s a real mixed bag—I work out five times a week, get lots and lots of medical check-ups, I eat right Monday through Friday (weekends were made for bacon!), and augment my nutrition with thoughtfully selected supplements. HOWEVER, I view beer as a primary food group, and will still smoke an occasional cigarette, so all in all I’d say I’m doing about average.

    3. My heart. Because I’m so full of love.

    4. My left clavicle. Full of metal pins and plates, and still not strong.

    5. My spleen. Apparently you really don’t need one.

  5. !) On recent mornings, my body has been asking me, “Is it a running day!?” & if it is, it then says, “Hurray!” & if is isn’t it inquires, “Can it be?”

    @) I treat my body much better than I used to. I’ve quit smoking & have cut back on my booze intake exponentially. In addition, I rarely eat fast food & have discovered a love of raw foodstuffs like vegetables & fruit. I’m a bland, bland manchild.

    #) There not a single part of my body that feels strong although my lungs & heart are getting much better.

    $) My whole body is weak but steadily growing stronger.

    %) I’d like without my gall bladder because I already am & so long as I watch what I eat, it causes minimal issues.

  6. 1. “why?” (this question works on many levels)

    2. Lately I neither eat well nor exercise (except walking to work). That needs to change.

    3. My legs – I walk a lot.

    4. My right arm. I’m repainting my entire place and my arm is NOT happy.

    5. I’ll go with Beaker; one toe gets voted off the island.

  7. 1)Where am I?
    2)Try to treat it well but every temple has the occasional bad worshipper.
    5)I am missing my appendix and haven’t seemed to mind. If I had to remove another I would choose My hair, ALL OF IT!!

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