Friday Fives

1. If you have a phobia (or something close to one), what is it?
I hate prolonged planning of vacation. It gives me tremendous anxiety.

2. How long have you had the phobia (or something close to it)?
I think most of my life. I always hated the getting ready to go to grandma’s house, 120 miles down the road. Once I got there, I was happy and fine, and I actually enjoy travel – just not the planning and anticipation part.

3. If you know anyone with a phobia (or something close to it), how does s/he act when s/he is experiencing it?
A real phobia? Liked diagnosed and everything? No, I don’t know anyone. I have many friends on anti depressants and anxiety medication, but I think that is a side effect of our fast paced, commerce driven, win at any cost world.

4. What is one phobia you would wish not to have?
Fear of people. I thrive on interaction with others.

5. What is one phobia you wouldn’t mind having, if you were to face one?
Fear of interstates. I could use it for an argument to work from home on occasion. (Not everyday, I need people interaction remember. )

4 Replies to “Friday Fives”

  1. 1. If you have a phobia (or something close to one), what is it?

    well, this isn’t too cool. No great confessions here, being as though I am pretty terrific. I mean, I am not afraid off heights, cockroaches*, falling, or public speaking. That’s loser stuff. Ok, mostly, I am afraid of spiders.

    2. How long have you had the phobia (or something close to it)?

    spiders? Long time. growing up in Phoenix, they were everywhere. Black widows, too. A couple of things solidfied it. I had spiders nest in my van, babies… the whole thing. Webs from corner to corner. I had to bomb it. That means closing it up and shooting noxious chemicals inside of it and leaving it for hours to kill all living things inside. yucky.

    then, I went to see Arachnophobia. I know, bad idea for a guy who fears spiders… but I am strong like that. Anyhow, when i came out I had spiders on my hood and my door. The one on the door was a widow, too. Then, I moved to Colorado… which has the brown recluse. Don’t even google that spider.

    3. If you know anyone with a phobia (or something close to it), how does s/he act when s/he is experiencing it?

    Dunno. Phobias are for pussies and failures. I am strong like iron, and so are my friends.

    4. What is one phobia you would wish not to have?
    ok, I’ll bite. I am gonna give you a real piece of me right now. I hate being a passenger in other people’s cars. I always feel unsafe. It isn’t I feel others are bad drivers, it is probably just a lack of control thing. That, and my father used to beat me with a car. Probably unrelated, though. Ok, the first part of this is totally true.

    5. What is one phobia you wouldn’t mind having, if you were to face one?

    that is a weird question, and frankly I don’t care for it.

    * ok. last disclosure. I am totally afraid of cockroaches that can fly. Seriously, they exist and they are in your garage and that is fucked up, y’all. Regular cockroaches, though? No problemo.

  2. !) I’m afraid of heights & swarms.

    @) I don’t know when my phobia of heights started but when I was experimenting with narcotics in high school, it didn’t seem to exist (or was repressed). My fear of swarms started with the movie Copycat & the ants all over the finger in the bed. I-R-R-A-T-I-O-N-A-L.

    #) The only person with a phobia that I know about is my friend Clendon is afraid of spiders. I imagine he shrieks like a wee lass when he has an encounter.

    $) I wish I wasn’t such a control freak. Much like Lono above, I do not like being a passenger in a car. For some strange reason though, I’m fine on an airplane. Note to self: Learn to fly.

    %) Like the song says:
    “What do you fear more than anything else in the world?”
    “I fear that sometimes, love isn’t enough.”

  3. 1) Swimming in really deep water. I have been swimming in water that’s well over 100 to 200 feet deep. Creepy. I was a diver in the Navy, so being under the water at those depths does not bother me. It’s the whole head-out-of-water, body-in-water-looking-like-bait feeling that gets to me.

    2) I didn’t really get there until I was floating like a piece of corn in the South Pacific when I was 11.

    3) I love this one. Many on this blog’s mutual friend Adrian has a phobia about Grape Jelly. It is the funniest fucking phobia ever. Apparently, growing up he had an Uncle that put grape jelly on eggs and ever since, he totally gags at the sight, thought or talk about grape jelly, making for joyous and entertaining dining excursions with him. Go Smuckers!

    4) Fear of performing. It has made me successful in many areas of my life…and unsuccessful in many areas of my life. But I love it.

    5) If I have to have one it would be Bolshephobia- Fear of Bolsheviks. Yes it’s real. Yes I looked it up. Yes I wouldn’t mind having it.

  4. 1)Horses Freak me out!!
    2)When I was like 9 or 10 I had a horse I was riding try and roll over on me. That started it all.
    3)Ditto Tony Adrians Grape Jelly is absolutly hilarious! Get him Welch’s!
    4)arsonophobia-fear of fire would hamper my job.
    5)amnesiphobia- fear of amnesia I think?

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