Friday Fives

1. Did you write a list to Santa when you were little? Do you write a Christmas present wish list now?
I wrote Santa. I remember a few of the lists. Well, not the lists, per say but I remember going through the process. Dad worked for the Post Office and guaranteed that Santa would get them. Later in life I worked at a newspaper and got to publish many Santa letters. That was a great time of the year at the job as we got to mock and tease children.

2. What are the top 10 things on your list this year?
I dunno. Julie wants a Wii. She will be disappointed. I am getting less and less into the Christmas spirit each year. It is so commercial and superficial. I am full of Christmas Meh.

3. What are the three (or 1, 2, 4, 5) best presents you ever received as a child and why?

    1. A Big Jim action figure rescue airplane. God, that was cool toy.
    2. Atari
    3. Erector set
    4. Coleco football and some electric thing called Split Second.
    5. Sledding stuff.

4. What are the top 5 movies you think everyone should see and why?

    1. Casablanca
    2. Raider’s of The Lost Ark
    3. Bridge over the River Kwai
    4. Towering Inferno (bad acting and William Holden, in the same film!)
    5. The Thin Man

5. Which comes first, success or happiness? Or, to think of it a different way, does happiness follow success or are you only successful when you achieve happiness? Are they even necessarily related?
Wow, that is a mouthful of a question and a lot to consider. I have always been pretty happy. And generally, I am successful. It is a relative term, but I am doing better than a villager in a grass hut in Paket.

4 Replies to “Friday Fives”

  1. The last Friday 5’s before Xmas and this is what I get? Well, okay…

    1) Yes, I did write a list every year. I would take the JC Penney or Monky Ward mail order catalogs that got sent out every year and go throught them listing out everything I would not get. Today, I do not do a list.

    2) With twins in my near future (coul be ny day really). I am not joking when I say, all I want is for the girls to come into the world easily and my wife to be comfortable again. I just got the job i’ve been wanting, so life is hectic and good.

    3) This is kind of sappy, but I remember the presents my day brought over for Christmas after my Mom kicked him out of the house. The best was this watch that had a little boy waling and the dog actualy moved up and down with the seconds counting.

    1. The original Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory – A great movie as a kid and then I actually loved it more when I grewup, because it’s dark an twisted in a fun way.
    2. Never Cry Wolf- a little known Disney movie that will touch your heart strings and make you love nature more than ever.
    3. The Thing – John Carpenter’s version with Kurt Russell – Still holds up today as one of the best.
    4. Yelow Submarine – The Beatles on acid and animated…HELL YEAH!
    5. Grease – This one’s for my wife, but if you don’t love Grease there’s a special placein hell for you.

    5) Happiness is a warm gun. And I do love warm guns.

  2. 1. I definitely used to write letters to Santa—even after I stopped believing in the generous pederast. I still do give my mom a list of what I might like for Christmas and birthdays, as apparently I’m difficult to shop for.

    2. Cashmere is always on the list. As is a new pair of cashmere lined gloves. And maybe a vacation.

    3. The tricycle I received for my 3rd birthday was the best. Close behind were my first sleeping bag (it was turned into forts for many years), and my talking Gentle Ben stuffed bear (who suffered a tragic tracheotomy and was never the same without his voice).

    4. [Apparently Roy doesn’t have to follow his own rules, as he didn’t specify “why”.]
    1. A Room with A View (near flawless continuity)
    2. Krzysztof Kieslowski’s Red (which speaks to the hope we all share that life does have a meaning and order)
    3. Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (the old one—not a great film, but wonderfully whimsical)
    4. Polyester (wonderful quotes such as, “Children would only get in the way of our erotic lifestyle!”)
    5. Schindler’s List (just a feel good movie).

    5. Happiness has followed success. I became more happy once I achieved a modicum of career success, as it was the affirmation I needed to be confident in myself. I’ve also learned to re-define success as a result.

  3. 1. Yes, I also used to base my lists on catalogues. Sears and Montgomery Wards were my faves. I don’t make a list for myself, no…but I do take notes on what others mention.

    2. nothing very exciting: yoga pants, mittens, nice wine glasses…

    3. My lightbright, my Easy Bake Oven and the dollhouse that my grandfather built.

    4. (this list is random and just what came to mind today)
    1. Wings of Desire – gorgeous, haunting German film
    2. The Cook, The Thief, His Wife & Her Lover – Twisted story, amazing colors.
    3. Santa Sangre – made a big impression on me at 20, bizarre
    4. Mildred Pierce – film noir classic
    5. Johnny Guitar – on cable the other night, great 50’s western

    5. Hmm, so far seems to be an alternating rollercoaster. I would like happiness AND success together please.

  4. 1)marking all the items in the sears catalog was a brotherly fight every year.
    2)Wife to get a job, iPhone, Hockey equipment, new boots
    3)I remember the year that my parents had hid the christmas presents in a dads downstairs work room and my brother took the hinges off the door to get at them and we all went down and played with the new pinball maching 3 days before Christmas.
    4)Top 5 socially concious movies
    1}Shindlers List
    3}American History X
    5}Malcom X

    Top 5 Funny movies
    2}Princess Bride
    3}Animal House
    4}Better Off Dead
    5}Blazing Saddles

    Top 5 best worst movies
    2}Back To The Future [all of them]
    4}Legally Blond
    5}Beverly Hills Ninja
    5)IF succsessful I have killed someones happieness.

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