Friday Fives


1. What was your first word?
I am uncertain. I am sure it was something simple like “Mommy.” But my mother has said that once I learned to speak I never stopped.

2. How old were you?
About 18 months.

3. Who heard you say it?
My mother and Grandma Mathis.

4. Did you have trouble pronouncing any words as a kid?
Not that I recall. As a dyslexic child I had more issues with handwriting and spelling

5. Are there any words you consistently mispronounce today?
There are ton. My sister is always correcting my pronunciations. I tend to put the wrong emphasis on the syllable.

2 Replies to “Friday Fives”

  1. 1) Tootiver (screwdriver)

    2) I was abou a year.

    3) parents

    4) I had a lisp and mispronounced or slurred lots of words.

    5) maybe dunno

  2. 1. No idea.
    2. I really didn’t begin speaking until about 3.. Between Roy, my older cousins, and older kids my mom cared for, I never had to talk until then. When I did, it was in complete sentences.
    3. Mom
    4. My cousin’s name, Brendan, yellow, and I had a slight lisp.
    5. Abdomen. If I think about saying it, I can’t spit it out. And when you’re teaching first aid, it’s a problem.

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