Friday Fives


1. What movie actually makes you laugh all the way through?
I am a fan on Lebowski and watch it about once a year and always giggle.

2. What is your favorite movie scene?
I like the piano scene in Casablanca when Elsa comes to see Rick at the cafe. It is a classic.

3. What will be movie classics in 20 years time?
“Spy” starring Melissa McCarthy – that film is pure genius. But seriously, probably not the Star Wars or the Star Trek reboots. Maybe the original “The Matrix.”

4. What do you believe is the best acted TV role?
Hugh Laurie on “House,MD” Great show – catch it on Netflix, you won’t be sorry.

5. Are you one of those types that can quote movie lines? What’s your favorite quote?
I can’t remember quotes word for word and always get them wrong. Favorite quote is probably something from a Cohen brothers film, like Fargo.

3 Replies to “Friday Fives”

  1. 1) The Monty Python movies make me laugh. The Holy Grail most of all.

    2) Too many to have a favorite. Was trying to pick the movie i would fast forward to a scene…the one with Pesci in Good Fellas “What? Am I clown?” is pretty spectacular.

    3) Guardians of the Galaxy (if I have anything to do about it.}

    4) Alan Alda in MASH .

    5) I, too, get them wrong many times. I can get the essence, but not exact. like many song lyrics.

  2. 1. Airplane. Slapstick never gets old when done properly.

    2. The final scene of Krzysztof Kie?lowski’s “Red,” where we are reminded quite poignantly that we are all connected, and that perhaps life does have a grand purpose.

    3. “Fight Club.” What seals it in my mind, is that it predicted domestic terrorism, and the harm that delusional white men can wreak.

    4. Lisa Kudrow in Friends. The writers helped, but that was a great character.

    5. I, too, invariably get them *slightly* wrong.

  3. 1) Step Brothers. That shit makes me hurt from laughing so hard.

    2) This is an impossibility. But the one that popped into my head as soon as I tried to think of one that left an impression on me was the scene in American History X where Ed Norton curb stomps the kid.

    3) Classics by who’s standards? I bet that Frozen, The LEGO movie and shot like that will be classics. But for us, Django Unchained, The Martian, Maybe the Dark Night? Who knows

    4) Hands down Peter Dinklage in Game of Thrones. I mean shit he’s the only actor on the entire show not from Europe and he crushes it.

    5) I have a gift or a curse depending on perspective. I can quote entire movies line for line and get them correct 98% of the time.
    If they could make Med school in a fun entertaining movie format with a few boob shots and some explosions I’d have it memorized inside of two weeks.

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