Friday Fives

'Don't worry about my little aches & pains... the important thing is for YOU to be happy!' ~ one of reincarnation's fun little twists.
‘Don’t worry about my little aches & pains… the important thing is for YOU to be happy!’ ~ one of reincarnation’s fun little twists.

1.Do you believe in reincarnation?
Not really. I believe in science and science has no data on an afterlife. Now, it fun playing the what were you/what will you become game with famous people. Take Donald Trump for example – he will be reincarnated as a sickly elephant.

2.Have you ever felt that you knew someone the first time you met them?
Yes, I have. I tend to pick good friends and most of them were BFFs at first sight.

3.Have you ever visited a foreign country or city for the first time and found that you knew exactly where things were?
While living in Germany I was usually hopelessly lost. In my home and in the Western US we tend to have streets laid out in a grid – Europe is old and streets make no sense.

4.Have you ever looked in the mirror and ‘seen’ a different face?
Yes. I see my father It is spooky.

5.Is the belief in UFOs, aliens, physic powers, etc, growing because the belief in religion is dying?
It is growing because there is a growing lack of belief in science and facts rather than a lack of religious faith.

4 Replies to “Friday Fives”

  1. 1) Not so much. Not sure on many of the other after death scenarios on the various religions. I, like Roy, tend to believe in what science finds. Faith in an afterlife, heaven, 10,000 virgins, or whatever seems like a big old guess and based on no real facts. I don’t poo poo the faith in something after this life in others or say it is not out there. I just don’t know. I guess I am open to whatever comes next or does not.

    2) With people I like immediately I tend to feel like I know them and we should share everything. Apparently that is overwhelming and bit off-putting to some.

    3) Nope. I tend to rely on the various tools of any certain area to get around. I usually can get everywhere pretty easily, but if you asked me where I was , directionally, in a city I probably won’t know. Like the Los Angeles area, I have been there a ton, but still couldn’t tell you if I was northside, eastside, or southside. Westside is pretty easy cause there is an ocean there.

    4) As I get older, the face I see in the mirror is always mine. Is it my dad? Not sure. But not mine.

    5) Haven’t noticed a growth, but it’s hard to put UFOs and aliens in the same category as psychic powers. It is a pretty good assumption that in the vastness of space there is other species and they probably can fly.

  2. 1. Not necessarily. I do subscribe to the belief that at the moment your body dies, some life force is sent back into the universe. I have no idea what happens to that energy thereafter.

    2. It’s rare for me to like people the first time I meet them. I’m generally skeptical of new people and tend to keep my guard up.

    3. Gosh no. I’m able to get lost even in cities that I know relatively well. But getting lost is part of the journey, right?

    4. Believe it or not, I don’t look in mirrors all that much. But yes, with age some things improve, others sag and grow unsightly hair.

    5. I don’t know that there is a direct correlation. However, I believe that (Western) people are increasingly dissatisfied with the cosmology stories handed to us by religions.

    Fun fact–in the last 20 years, religious fundamentalism has thrived in only two places on earth, the Middle East and the US.

  3. Eddie, I have been in your place multiple times. You must run around with your eyes closed most of the time judging from the vast number of mirrors in that place.

  4. 1) Nope

    2) I am an open book and like everyone at first. But man you give me a reason not to like you and that’s it you’re dead to me.

    3) I am a directional idiot.

    4) Not usually. But I have a very easy hairdo so I don’t look at mirrors very often.

    5) I don’t think it’s growing I just think like so many other things the internet has made the proliferation that much easier.

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