Wacky Friday Fotos


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Friday Fives

1. If you had the ability to legally change your name, would you? To what?
Probably not. I kind oflike my unique name. However if I changed it let’s go with Tex McCord. Side note: I collect the names of the addresses that Spam my email There are always some winners on that list, names worthy of a trip to court to change the name. One example from this week’s pile of mail: Rigoberto Hobson.

2. What do you with with change that you receive from banks/purchases/find on the ground? It sits in a bank on my bookshelf or in my ashtray of my car. It gets used occassionally. And about once or twice a year I drag it to the bank, have it counted and deposit it.

3. If you could travel back in time to change the course of one historical event, what event would it be?
I am gong to go with recent history and roll back time to prior 9/11 – and then use the change to ensure the towers don’t go down. The last seven years have been ugly and life would be very different without that event.

4. Would you rather live a safe, stable, moderately interesting life or one where every day was dangerous, volatile, and different?
i want dagerous change by day and quite stable by evening – that is why I am going to take a job at 7/11.

5. What do you think you’ll be remembered for when you die and, if you could, would you change it to something else?
I will be remembered for my wacky sense of humor and being a generally nice guy. I can life with that.

Friday Fives

1. What type of food do you most like to eat?
Raspberries. In my world, raspberries are a food group and I work to get some in my diet every day.

2. What type of food do you most like to cook?
Sloppy, gloppy mexican. Green chili mostly. I love the melange of pepper, garlic onion and oregano.

3. What ingredient could you not live without?
Garlic, probably.

4. What do you never let in your kitchen?
Tripe. No need ever to cook this. Ever.

5. What is your favorite drink?
Ice tea during the day. Gin and tonic during the night.

Clicking Away The Hours

I enjoy spending Sunday afternoons clicking away through the internet with wild abandon. I know I am not the only one.

Two great links that make such clicking away easy and yummy.

Popurls – a collection of recent links to Digg, deli.ciou.us, and reddit

The folks across the pond supply this collection of classically great sites.

I also love this one from their competitor over at The Guardian has its own version, although a little older. (PS, the Guardian technology site alone is a great read.)

Wacky Friday Foto

Burt Munro at home 1970.jpg

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Friday Fives

1. If you have a phobia (or something close to one), what is it?
I hate prolonged planning of vacation. It gives me tremendous anxiety.

2. How long have you had the phobia (or something close to it)?
I think most of my life. I always hated the getting ready to go to grandma’s house, 120 miles down the road. Once I got there, I was happy and fine, and I actually enjoy travel – just not the planning and anticipation part.

3. If you know anyone with a phobia (or something close to it), how does s/he act when s/he is experiencing it?
A real phobia? Liked diagnosed and everything? No, I don’t know anyone. I have many friends on anti depressants and anxiety medication, but I think that is a side effect of our fast paced, commerce driven, win at any cost world.

4. What is one phobia you would wish not to have?
Fear of people. I thrive on interaction with others.

5. What is one phobia you wouldn’t mind having, if you were to face one?
Fear of interstates. I could use it for an argument to work from home on occasion. (Not everyday, I need people interaction remember. )

Friday Fives

1. What was your favorite toy as a child?
I had this building set – Girder and Panel Building Set. I cherished it. But my toy I played with the most was a homemade (crafted by Mom) cloth layout of a town for matchbox cars – hours of fun for years.

2. What is your favorite toy now that you’re “grown up”?
Probably my MP3 player. Either that or my Palm Treo. That’s where I store all the entertainment.

3. What is the most dangerous toy you had growing up?
A house full of guns – a few of them mine. I was pretty dangerous in that vein. The rest remains unspoken in shame. It is a shame none of you met my little brother, before the “accident.”

4. What is the most dangerous toy you have now?
A case of Guinness and my new SUV. Watch out fellow citizens.

5. What one toy do you wish you had/have?
As a kid, my parents never bought us Legos. I wish we had some Legos. We lots of blocks and building stuff – Lincoln logs, Tinkertoys, and Erector Set, basic blocks. But no multi colored fun of the Legos.