Friday Fives

1. What is your favorite board game?
Scotland Yard, perhaps. You seek out a mysterious Mister X on a board layout of London. I recently bought a new game that is all the rave in Europe but I haven’t played it yet – Settlers of Cattan. Game night, anyone?

2. What is your favorite card game?
Mom and Jim have several card games they play that I have never seen before. One of them is called Head and Foot – a canasta meets Gin Rummy thing. It is a lot of fun.

3. Do you like to play games on the computer or on a gaming system?
I am not a huge computer or console gamer. I have an old Atari Pong Game an for Christmas I got a cool Atari console system to play old school games of my youth, like breakout and pong. But I generally don’t play to many computer games.

4. If so, what is your favorite game to play?
I like computer chess and I recently bought a Microsoft Flight Simulator -here is a tip, the helicopter is nearly impossible to fly.

5. Do you like to play games with people or to play them alone?
Surround me with people. Along time? That is what porn is for.

9 Replies to “Friday Fives”

  1. Ah the games people play. i love games of all sorts, so thanks for this list. With that said….

    1) I would have to say Cranium or Life. But I love to play board games, so you got it…then i’ll play it with zest!

    2) I am a Hearts master. I hunt the bitch whenever I can.

    3) Yes, I play on the computer a little, but I have almost always had some sort of gaming system. I had Atari, then a No-friend-O. Then an XBox. And I just upgraded to XBox 360 (so what if my child won’t have any college money)

    4) Halo 1 & 2…duh! And Halo 3 is coming soon. Oh mah ga, I really am a geek/dork/nerd/techno-loser.

    5) I like to play with people and that’s the cool thing…with the advent on live online console gaming I can totally dork out with friends and not make them uncomfortable with my lack of clothing.

  2. 1. “In My Neighborhood,” a hilarious drinking game where the players try to make their way around the board (shaped like Cheesman), avoiding such pitfalls as broken glass in the fountain, rogue cops, and an the allure of the DJ. Hours of fun.

    2. Not a huge fan of card games. I do like video poker–but more because I like to smoke and drink free beers at casinos.

    3. I’m not a gamer. I live out my fantasy life in the real world, not a made-up one. (No Mark—I’m not a plushie. Perv.)

    4. n/a

    5. Aside from vicious verbal banter, I don’t make time for games.

  3. 1. Trivial Pursuit.
    2. Blackjack.
    3. I play sports games on PS2…and am borderline obsessive about them. Im currently about halfway through a 162 game season on MLB 07. my Video Cubs are (predictibly) much better than the Real Cubs.
    4. Madden football is my favorite. I played 4 full seasons on last year’s version. I’m a real blast!
    5. Alone. Unless its Hockey.

  4. 1. Trivial Pursuit or Pictionary.
    2. Polly & I used to play a game called Pepper that was fun, but I don’t recall how to play. Now I guess Gin Rummy.
    3. I’ll play mindless games on MSN or Yahoo games, but that’s about it. Myspace took down their games, so my favorite game is gone (Speed).
    4. See #3, other fave is Bookworm.
    5. I enjoy an occasional social game night.

  5. 1.) Favorite board game is Trivial Pursuit as I always learn something and get to revel in the collective stupidity/ignorance of all at the table.

    2.) Favorite card game is either Hearts or Texas Hold Em.

    3.) I generally prefer a console system because its hooked up to my big TV and surround sound. Let’s face it, destroying the bridge of a Star Destroyer while playing Star Wars:Battlefront would lose something without the deafening, room-shattering explosion and resultant orgy of destruction on the screen. Yeah, I like blowing things up………..

    4.) Favorite game is–of course–Halo. Best Game EVER.

    5.) I like playing most games with other people because of the interactivity. Playing Halo in co-op mode is a blast; you develop your own language for the game and really have to work as a team. Its much more fun than one might think.

  6. Jenn, I also have played bookworm Great game. Tony, your Boggle Gene would love it. It is an online game, give it a search and see what you find.

  7. 1. What is your favorite board game?
    Risk. If any of you have a free 8 hours, come find me! A few times, I played an English game called “Hedge Hog’s Revenge!” and it is brilliant too!

    2. What is your favorite card game?
    Tie between Uno and Indian poker, I’m a simple gal.

    3. Do you like to play games on the computer or on a gaming system?
    I do, on both. But if the question is which I prefer, I have to say game systems, mainly since I have Unix/Linux boxes, and not many games have been made available for either.

    4. If so, what is your favorite game to play?
    I rediscovered Virta Fighter on PS3, but since I don’t have one of my own, my favorite (right now) on my PS2 is the most recent Lego Star Wars.

    5. Do you like to play games with people or to play them alone?
    Fighting games I love to play with others, but mainly because I’m pretty good at them and I’m a poor loser. Also, I rarely find others who enjoy games as much as I do. And lastly, I hate other people.

  8. 1)Just like my life RISK is all about total world domination
    3)computers are for emailing bad jokes and porn Games are for gaming systems
    4)Any game that you can play over and over again
    5)I agree with Tony the online linked games that allow you to play with others while playing with yourself are the best!

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