Friday Fives

1. What is your favorite kind of Sushi?
Red Tuna. I loves the tuna, baby.

2. As a child did you take any kind of musical lessons?
I struggled through organ lessons, piano lessons and banjo lessons. I am now kicking myself for not taking them more seriously.

3. Would you rather: have a lake named after you? or have a poplular children’s multi vitamin shaped in your image?
Lake Roy has a good ring to it. But to be share shelf space with Flintstone vitamins and perhaps have a Saturday morning cartoon commericial of my image – that is winning the lottery.

4. Do you say goodbye quickly or slowly?
I try for a quick goodbye. This question reminds me of conversations on the phone with my mother and it takes me four or more attempts at goodbye to end the conversation. I hae come to find that endearing.

5. Finish the joke: Five guys walk into a bar, . . .
. . . and the penguin that followed them, he just waddled.
– or –
. . . and not a one of them was a priest, a rabbi or Muslim.

9 Replies to “Friday Fives”

  1. !) Now that we live on (or at least very near) the coast, I’m going to give Sushi another try. Until this happens, I do not have a favorite.

    @) As a child I received lessons in saxophone & piano. Neither really took but I at least enjoy the piano.

    #) I’m going to take the vitamin option because it’s weird & I like the idea of helping children become appreciative of pills.

    $) I say goodbye quickly because if I’m saying goodbye, that usually means I need to be elsewhere. Additionally, I’ve little patience for sap.

    %) ..and drink. It’s funny to me because I can picture myself telling this joke to somewhere & enjoying the blank stare I would receive whilst the other person awaits the punchline. After an awkward moment, I would simply turn & walk away, giggling to myself because I am that rude.

  2. 1. Unagi. I love eel. Alone, in rolls, or just on top of a bowl of rice, eel is the treat that keeps me going. EEL! EEL! EEL!

    2. I played the trombone from about the age of 11 till I was about 17. I was never particularly good. However, I blame the extremely low-caliber teachers I had, who never made music theory or appreciation part of their curricula.

    3. The vitamin option creeps me out. It’s practically saying, “I’d like to dissolve inside children’s tummies.” Frankly Nall, it’s a little to ‘John Mark Carr’ for me. I’ll go with Loch Eddie.

    4. Depends on the sort of goodbye. Generally I like a quick emotionless goodbye. But some of them are best when they linger.

    5. I don’t do jokes. I prefer edgier material.

  3. 1. Dragon maki or unagi. I am with the Rev. re: eel.

    2. I was doing *quite* well with the xylophone until my oppressive music teacher took it away and gave me a recorder instead. Not suprisingly, this crushed my musical ambitions for a lifetime.

    3. I’d have to go with a lake. Lady Bridezilla of the Lake.

    4. I’d say quick, but I know I have a habit of continuing to run at the mouth as I’m slowly taking my leave.

    5. Given that I’m wit impaired this morning, I googled “five guys walked into a bar” and it’s apparently an album title by Faces. *shrug*

  4. 1. Tuna, yellowfin is delicious. Though I agree with Eddie, Eel is where it’s at
    2. I took piano and trumpet. I was okay at piano, but because my father hates children and the noise they produce I was not allowed to practice, so I never because a star.
    3. Since I am currently eating Justice League Multi-vitamins daily, I want my image in vitamins!
    4. If I like you, slowly with kissing and hugs (the occasional happy finish), if I think you stink I generally won’t say goodbye!
    5. I don’t joke

  5. 1) Salmon…smooth like butter.

    2) Piano, Baritone, snare drum. Tried a lot of things, but the only thing tha stuck was piano and “When the saints go marching in”. Alas, I only get gigs in New Orleans.

    3) Lake.

    4) Quick goodbye and can i say, people who don’t know when “goodbye” is goodbye need a friggin’ clue.

    5) Five guys walk into a bar. the bartender sez, “What the hell are you all doing here?” The five guys say (in unison) “You’re wife.” Get it? Your wife…cuz he asked what they were doing here and they said they were gonna do his wife and that’s friggin’ hilarious. Now stop with the madlib jokes Roy.

  6. Friday Fives

    1. What is your favorite kind of Sushi?fresh, and no… that is not a given in many restuarants
    2. As a child did you take any kind of musical lessons?yes, trumpet in grade school, and guitar as a teenager. Am looking to get back into taking guitar lessons again to learn some new skills, I am in a rut.
    3. Would you rather: have a lake named after you? or have a poplular children’s multi vitamin shaped in your image?a lake, for sure. Only a lake could reflect my magnificence. It should be a huge and grand lake. It should be a lake in the mountains, where wildlife lives untouched by Republican hands. It should be a lake that would be on the cover of a John Fielder book(see above, that is John Fielder work). Only such a lake should bear my greatness. Also acceptable would be if you built a lake in my image… like a wet version of Mt Rushmore. Seriously, start on that now.
    4. Do you say goodbye quickly or slowly?I want it to be fast, but it always goes slow. I am awkward in those moments. That is why I cower in this basement firing missives from the shelter of my lonely cove. All I need is these fish. They don’t lie to me, they don’t call me fat, they don’t tell their friends what a loser I am, they don’t ‘pants’ me at work and shove me in the women’s restroom. They don’t invite me out to a bar for beers only to find it was a vacant lot that I waited at all night while they drove my and threw toilet paper at me. They don’t put my picture up on and call me ‘the big fruit!’. They certainly put that video up on youtube. of me crying after school behind the dumpster.
    5. Finish the joke: Five guys walk into a bar, . . .is this a time to joke? Seriously, do you read the news? Paris Hilton is in jail, man. Maybe you can giggle your failed dreams away, I must secure Paris. Every generation had their cause, there was Huey Newton of the Black Panthers, Ghandi in India, Bobby Seale at the Chicago Eight?… this is no different people. This is the same Bourgeois patriarchal power structure putting their foot on the throat of youth movement. Get off your asses and do something for America. Get out their and vote, man. Free Paris Hilton (shakes fist in the air)

  7. 1) Caveman learned of fire so I could cook my meat!

    2) In Jr High we all had to do the music thing I played the trombone, poorly.

    3)IF it can be a lake in a bad slasher movie where the hot cheerleaders go skinny dipping and wind up dead then a lake. If that’s not an option then I want millions of little children to put me in their mouths.

    4)Quickly, bye.

    5) Which is silly since the last 4 should have ducked.

  8. 1. Salmon or scallops

    2. Piano at two different times. I kept telling mom I wanted guitar lessons, but she would not listen. I think she actually wanted to learn piano. I do appreciate that it taught me to read music though.

    3. What kind of question is this? Lake of course, I think a serial killer vitamin would be too graphic and the children would not be able to stomach the supplements.

    4. Slowly. I definitely take after mom. It is virtually impossible for me to just say “bye” and leave the room.

    5. . . . the sixth one ducked.

  9. 1) I pledged to the Takka Keppa Maki Sorority at CU & was promptly kicked out when they discovered that California Rolls are, sadly, my favorite.

    2) I played the flute from ages 8-14 & the trumpet from ages 14-16. And, as a child of the 80s I am, of course, versed in keyboard.

    3) I’ll go with the vitamins. They should be shaped like me, but in a Luche Libre style mask & cape and be black cherry flavored Vitamin C that fizzles like Pop Rocks!

    4) I do not say “Goodbye” – a point of much contention amongst me & friends/family when ending a telephone conversation.

    5) Five guys walk into a bar: a priest, a rabbi, a bishop, a three-foot midget & a man with a duck under one arm. The bartender asks them, “What is this, some kind of joke?”

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