Friday Fives

1. How do you fall asleep in hot weather?
Air conditioning cranked to freezing and down a couple of valerian root supplements.

2. How do you fall asleep in cold weather?
Snuggle deep down into the comforter, turn out the lights, draw the curtains tight and down a couple of valerian root supplements.

3. What is the weirdest weather you’ve ever witnessed?
Thundersnow is on the list and the thunderstorms in the desert altitudes of Colorado’s western slope are pretty weird and fun to observe.

4. What would be the most inconvenient weather report to hear in the morning?
Frogs, falling from the sky in a torrential downpour – the roads clogged with slimy dead frog remains. Damned inconvenient.

5. You’re in charge of a “Sharknado” type film series, what animal and extreme weather condition is your choice?
An earthquake that releases giant penguins that trample the villages.

3 Replies to “Friday Fives”

  1. 1) Swamp cooler or sweat it out.

    2) More blankets, but keep the damn heat down low.

    3) Microbursts. I saw one hit at Aurora Reservoir as I was pulling out my sailboat, right next to us is lifted boats oand the trailers and flipped them.

    4) Sunny skies as we head into the 2017 purge.

    5) The raining of men, according to the the song, is a good thing. Frankly, I disagree. If I were to make that song into a movie, people will die. People will need to die. Just imagine a 200+ lb. man falling on you from the sky. Dead, dead, dead.

  2. 1. A proprietary blend of prescription medications and whiskey.

    2. See above.

    3. Wild temperature fluctuations. I can recall a winter day in the late 80’s when the temperatures plummeted from 70 to -30 in the course of about 10 hours.

    4. A surprise bison stampede that shut down roads.

    5. A flash flood of fish. Now that’d be gross. Nonetheless I’m fairly certain that Ian Ziering wants a starring role.

  3. 1) Poorly with a/c if available and a big ass fan. Always a fan.

    2) Synthetic down comforter, big ass fan.

    3) Storms rolling in off of the Great Lakes. There is just something so ominous about a wall cloud coming across the lake. Thunder snow in the high country us bad ass as well.

    4) Tornados that have consciousness and are targeting drivers on the roads intentionally and maliciously.

    5) it’s already in the works. Motivated by this years weather and being sleep deprived at work during a hurricane warning. A hurricane passes over the Everglades releasing “Gatorcaine!” On an unsuspecting Washington!

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