Friday Fives

It’s Spring, what’s your thing?

1.Spring cleaning – got a big cleaning coming up? Any cleaning you do seasonally?
Lots of big cleaning coming up. I have two piles going, one for the thrift store, one to take out to the garage for storage. I think a big move of some sort is in the future so I am working on jettisoning cargo.

2. Baseball – juiced up overpaid meatheads? Or, America’s past time?
Certainly my past time. I enjoy watching baseball on television. Some people say that baseball was invented as a way to enjoy HDTV (Well not really people say, so much as I say.) Much like knowing the ins and outs of football (coverage, defensive plays, time clock management and all of that), baseball has a strategy and a pace all its own. Why did he use that pitch, how is the batter going to bunt, wasn’t that an athletic play out in left field. Its all in the game. And in our instant gratification world where we must have constant affirmation of our interests at all times, there is a peaceful and bucolic bliss in watching a baseball game.

3. Council of Nicea – a unifying summit of godly goodness? Or the greatest cover-up of all time? Defend your answers, and show your work.

I barely know what this is but I think it had something to do with the beginning of the Christian church.

4. Jesus – God’s resurrected son who walked out of that crypt, or charismatic leader and mortal who sadly did die that day on the cross?
I am a spiritual person, but really a religious person. I like the whole idea of Christianity but the way they are playing the modern game, I think most adherents have missed the message. There is some beautiful wisdom in the teachings of Christ, and of Buddha and of Muhammed – the path I walk is to take the best of all of these words and live a good life.

5 Tony Romo- was he great? Could he have been? Would you keep him, if you knew you could protect him?
Let him go. Denver does not need another geriatric used quarterback. Lono is obsessed with Romo thing. I am starting to worry.

One Reply to “Friday Fives”

  1. 1) I’m more of the continuous cleaning kind of guy.

    2) Good soft pretzels, brats, people watching. Everything else ????.

    3) I had to google WTF you are talking about and thusly I have no comment.

    4) Religions are a bunch of hokum and nonsense. I subscribe to none of it.

    5) The NFL is a rigged ponzu scam on the American people. Room is just a piece of equipment like the stuffed dummies used during practice.

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