Friday Fives

1. If there could be a sequel to any movie which doesn’t have one, what would you choose?
“Out of Africa” Watch as Meyrl fights her way back to the savannah.

2. Which TV Show or Movie’s title totally contradicts with its plot?
“Everybody Loves Raymond” No, I don’t think so – he was always in trouble.

3. What’s the laziest and most over-used sitcom trope?
Lono pretty much pegged this but I will try. Most every sitcom uses “The Little Lie” to develop the plot around not getting caught and trying to evade/elude.

4. Every movie is re-named to be as obvious as “Snakes on a Plane”. What are the best alterations?
Indiana Jones and Snakes and Nazis.

5. From start to finish, what’s the best binge-able TV series?
Currently, I am pretty fixated with “Longmire” on Netflix and will suggest a great oldie but good – “Star Trek Voyager” for binging – shows flow really well into each other.

2 Replies to “Friday Fives”

  1. 1) Willy Wonka and the Choclate Factory (the original) – The sequel would show the seedy underbelly and incredibly poor working conditions of the factory, the repression of the Oompa Loompas and Charlie having to deal with the death of his entire family, who moved to the factory with him, from cocoa dust. And through it all, we watch as Willy Wonka tumbles into insanity and eventually commits suicide by eating the gum that’s an entire meal and not getting juiced in the end. Exploding blueberry Wonka…end scene.

    2) The entire Underworld series…You’d think it would be full of people in underwear and show us the dog-eat-dog world of the underwear industry, but it’s not.

    3) I had to look up what “Trope” actually meant, so because you made me learn, you get no answer.

    4) Every Steven Segal movie…”Steven Segal gets a little bit fatter.”

    5) I’ve heard it’s Breaking Bad, but haven’t binged that yet. I prefer the binging series now, so currently it’s Man in the high castle on Amazon Prime.

  2. 1) I’d love to see a sequel to Dune. It would need to be well done and have a gigantic budget to ensure that effects are not cheesy.

    2) ninja warrior, seriously I can see every single one of them. Hardly any of them make it past the obstacles. They never fight at all. I’ve never seen a single one pop a smoke bomb n vanish. Ninjas my ass!

    3) I shall call it the love trope. It is when one character is in love with another and everyone knows it but the object of affection. Lame.

    4) “Back to the Future”- time travel messes up stuff so you have more movies to try and fix your screw ups”

    5) Breaking Bad, Stranger Things, The Killing, OITNB, House of Cards…

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