Friday Fives


You are hosting an intimate dinner party at your home. As your guests leave, you give them a gift:

1. What must read book would give as a thoughtful gift?
Slaughterhouse Five by Kurt Vonnegut. Exceptionally well written, light and fun with a great dark message of the uselessness of war.

2. What must listen music album would you give as a thoughtful gift?
ELO’s Greatest Hits. A album for the ages. I consider Jeff Lynne the fifth Beatle.

3. What must have kitchen gadget would you give as a thoughtful gift?
A lemon/lime juice extracting plug. Pure genius. Works with OJ too!

4. What life changing personal gadget would you give as a thoughtful gift?
The 6-1 Util-Key. This wonderful little key chain knife is the greatest little thing. I use it every single day for some kind of task.

5. What else could be a thoughtful gift?
A 6-pack of Hanes Men’s White Underwear. Maybe not always appropriate but my grandmother taught me many years ago that underwear is always a thoughtful gift.

2 Replies to “Friday Fives”

  1. 1) The Stand – ’cause it is what will happen if Trump gets elected. he is Randall Flagg.

    2) Midnight Radio (Big Head Todd & the Monsters) – Much of this was recorded in the intimacy of the guys basement in Boulder.

    3) The mini electric dicer thingy – great way to mince onion, garlic, etcetera without much cutting.

    4) The money clip wallet thingy for men. I have not had a Constanza wallet in my back pocket for many years now. love it.

    5) A thoughtful gift is always showing up to someone’s home with a gift of some sort. (flowers, food, candy, etc). Never go empty handed my mother always said.

  2. 1) Night – Elie Wiesel with some of the demagoguery and rhetoric being thrown casually around these days it is more important than ever to NEVER forget.

    2) The Concert in Central Park- Simon & Garfunkle

    3) a high quality chef knife and peaking knife. Good knives can make all the difference.

    4) I don’t really have any gadgets. But I would say a good letterman can solve a lot of daily issues.

    5) cheese. Everyone likes cheese.

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