Friday Fives


1. When they say there are no dumb questions, how do you challenge that fundamental assumption?
I point to a Matt Lauer interview and bam – dumb questions abound.

2. What is your best “Adulting like a player” move?
Prepaying auto insurance in one big payment. Done and done and often cheaper rates

3. What is something under $50.00 that makes your life better?
My corded handset I use with my cell phone. I bought it as a joke but I use it all the time when talking on my phone.

4. What was okay 40 years ago but not okay now?
Slappin’ a gal on the ass in the office. Them dames’ ain’t gonna put with that these days.

5. What is your most unusual life hack?
I buy green coffee beans in bulk, usually 16 or 20 pounds at a time and then roast them myself – just enough for the week.

One Reply to “Friday Fives”

  1. 1) I usually remind them that the dumb answers have to be to something!

    2) paying my auto ins. and other monthlies by a credit card that gives me reward miles then paying off said card each month.

    3) a $3 back scratcher from the dollar general. It is the best!

    4) Riding in the back seat without a seatbelt.

    5) having cable for tv and Internet. They got me by the balls!

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