Regather And Regroup

What a crazy couple of weeks. All the best-laid plans have crashed upon me and I am finding it difficult to crawl out from under the mess. About 5 or so weeks ago I decided to start seeing a chiropractor to get my back into shape. And it has been great, I feel so much better. But a series of $25.00 appointments, one on top of the other has added up and I have been broke. Couple that with a bit of misaligned checking account errors – errors of which any threat of disaster have been averted but left me high and dry on fun tickets for the past few weeks.
And to add fun to the pain, I went camping and frolicking in the hills for the past two weekends. One, with Kevin and a bunch of dudes from Nextel. We went four wheeling way up into the sticks and drove and crashed along the Jeep trails to a majestic 12,500 feet.
Last weekend I went to Mom and Jim’s cabin just above beautiful and scenic Buford, Colo. Rain quashed my avid plans to hike and photo safari but I spent some time with family and it was restful. Well, as restful as can be when you are around my mother, how never stops moving, never stops choring for any more than a five-minute break to enjoy a small cup of coffee. The lady is a veritable tornado of grandmother futzing and the children and family at the Graff Family Rendezvous were indeed spoiled by her attention to the smallest details.
And now a weekend looms before us.
A time to regather and refresh after the last few weeks. I plan on reacquainting myself with friends, laundry, chores and the kitchen – the kitchen, that bane of my very existence. Where dishes stack high and dirt and unkempt creep upon me like a pox.

There is so very much to talk about and reflect on. I have tons of links and web gear to point you towards. This election is fraught with danger around every curve. Dick Cheney haunts my psyche. But that will come in time as well. For now I am back at base camp in The Farm and regrouping and will hit hard this weekend with something worth wondering over here to read.

Please, take a moment to enjoy our catalog and remember as well always, we will meet or beat anyone’s price.