Friday Fives


1. What is the stupidest thing you did as a kid to try and look cooler?
I really should scan this in and load it up for viewing. As a young teen, to stay in pace with the coool kids I had a perm in my hair and actually wore a curly perm to the prom.

2. What is your opinion on swearing?
I am pro swearing in the right circumstance. I don’t curse to shock but curse to communicate. I don’t swear around my mother because she doesn’t curse. At work, in my office behind closed doors I tend to curse like the Army guy I once was. But out on the floor among the masses I work clean. In college while doing improv comedy, we had a rule to work clean because it forced us to be more clever rather than getting easy laughs with a bunch of dirty words.

3. What’s something you’ve been searching for years but had no luck in finding it?
Nabisco used to have these super yummy cookies – Heyday bars. They were chocolate, caramel and nutty wonderments and then pulled from the shelves. For a while they were original regionally but I think they are gone.

4. You’re now a serial killer. What’s your weapon of choice, and what will you be known for?
I really should leave this to Julie to answer as she is the pro. But I was reading this week about the use of poisonings to kill off Russian dissidents and maybe I can take to potions to bring down my enemies.

5. Add ‘ING’ to the end of a movie title, what’s it about now?
“The Standing” based loosely on Stephen Kings novel – Trump supporter are forced to stand all the time waiting for the election and the construction of their precious wall. They will only be allowed to sit down when the wall is built by Mexico and all immigration comes to stop. (spoiler – these folks ain’t never going to sit down again!).

3 Replies to “Friday Fives”

  1. 1) I cut out a picture of a famous rock star autographed it myself and framed it. Brought it to school and told everyone I’d met them.

    2) I fuckin love it.

    3) Zagnut bars. They are like butterfinger covered in toasted coconut. Amazing.

    4) I have no specific weapon as that would be evidence and I will not be known as they will never find the bodies. People will just not be there any more.

    5) Hamleting. It’s about a quaint couple that travels all over Europe visiting different hamlets and staying at B&B’s along the way.

  2. 1) Pegging my jeans. Fast times at Ridgemont High was not just a movie, it’s was and is a movement.

    2) don’t mind it. Use it often enough for emphasis. But, it does slip out a lot when around my kids.

    3) Eggnog shakes. Come on Christmas.

    4) I would want to be know for using something that is unique…a hedge trimmer perhaps, maybe bungie cords would become my trademark.

    5) This one is for Adrian Holguin…Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factoring. It would be all about the engineering department at Willy Wonka’s factory and the amazing mathematical calculations that went into figuring out how to do all the fantastical stuff that went on there.

  3. 1. There were some unfortunate hairstyles that are, in retrospect, regrettable. I was an early adopter of the mullet, and then went for less “party in the back” with a classic rat tail. Ah the 80’s.

    2. It has it’s time and place. And those times and places are not difficult to find.

    3. True love.

    4. Smart phones. The only times I contemplate homicide are usually due to people doing something stupid while talking or texting (i.e., driving erratically or just getting in my way). Thus I’d clobber people with their own phone.

    5. Spotlighting. It’s about a group of journalists / fishermen who try to crack the case of the disappearing large mouth bass population.

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