Friday Fives


1. What is your favorite weird word in any language?
This is probably more my sister’s forte as she has studied several languages. I am going to cheat and default to Wales and the exceptionally weird Welsh language.
Welsh Weatherman Casually, Correctly Pronounces a 58-Letter Town Name – “Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch”:

2. What is a controversial book more people should read?
I am currently reading Between the World and Me by Ta-Nehisi Coates. It is pretty controversial, and exceptional. He is the new James Baldwin, if there such a thing.

3. What’s an everyday grammatical thing that still kind of bugs you?
The comma splice. An English teacher’s dictum but there is no real reason why, it good concise and tight writing there is no place for these kinds of arbitrary rules.

4. Replace a word in a movie title with “Bitch”, what’s the new plot?
“First Blood, Bitch!” In a complicated Young Adult teen film, Kristy McNichol and Jodie Foster initiate a rather complex competition concerning their first menstrual period.

5. Write us up a nice little Haiku. (Haiku poems consist of 3 lines. The first and last lines of a Haiku have 5 syllables and the middle line has 7 syllables. The lines rarely rhyme.)

Oh the candidates
See how they fall, Scott and Rick
Goodbye. Don: Not fired


One Reply to “Friday Fives”

  1. 1. I like the English word imperturbability–a much more elegant way of saying incapable of being upset. I use it whenever I can.

    2. Not really controversial, but “Thinking Fast and Slow,” outlines how humans make decisions (for good and bad) and what the human mind is and isn’t capable of. If you’re a leader of people, this book will dramatically change how you set expectations and manage.

    3. Em dashes versus semicolons. Whenever I use either, I stop to make sure that I’m using it correctly and determine whether it’s necessary at all.

    4. The Passion of the Bitch. (In honor of the holy father’s visit)

    5. I don’t feel like it
    You can’t make me write poems
    Stupidhead Roy Nall.

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