Friday Fives

1. Anne Frank was born today. Which leads me to think of hiding places. Do you have a secret hiding place?
As a kid, there was this cave over the hill that was a day hike (a day hike in kids terms, so it was about 45 minutes.) We used to think it was great hiding place.
In adult world, a great hiding place is lunch. Most of my peer group doesn’t leave for lunch. So stepping out for the noon hour is a great way to hide for an hour or so.

2. Donald Duck was born this week (Do you see a Wikipedia theme here?) How should Donald star in a new comic/movie?
I can’t stop thinking about Howard the Duck and how bad that film was. That image won’t allow me to concentrate to cast a new DD film. But however the DD film comes out, it will have a great scene with Scrooge McDuck and all of his money in the big vault.

3. Sunday is flag day. How to you let your freak flag fly?

I am a nerd and quite confident in my nerdiness. My freak flag will be to partition my computer hard drive this weekend to allow a dual boot disk running Ubuntu Linux. That my friends in geeky.

4. I kinda dig looking at house plans and architect drawings. Frank Lloyd Wright was born this week. Do you have a favorite building.
I really like the architecture of Denver’s Brown Palace. And if you look down from the top of the hill on 17th St. in Denver there is neet view of The Cash Register Buiding and Independance Tower sitting as if they were right next to each other. A nice architectural view.

5. Someone has declared this as national fishing week. When was the last time you went fishing?
Years and years. Seriously, probably eight or nine. My step father is an avid fisherman and goes almost weekly but I have yet to go with him – his skills are far superior to mine and I am humbled.

8 Replies to “Friday Fives”

  1. 1. Fairmount Cemetery. Such a peaceful place, and especially beautiful in autumn. Plus, there are many dead folks who were kind enough to make their headstone double as a bench; so there’s always a place to sit your bad ass down. And sip from your flask.

    2. I don’t really ever think about Donald Duck.

    3. True Blood season 2 starts on Flag Day. Self-explanatory.

    4. The Niagra Mohawk Building in Syracuse, NY.

    5. Summer of 1995. I fished for crawdads at Turtle Island in the middle of Blue Mesa Reservoir in Gunnison. At least I *think* so. I was doing a lot of hallucinogens at the time.

  2. !. My favorite hiding place is inside my headphones. I can completely disappear within whatever is playing & have the greatest job that allows me to do so 40-50 hours/week.

    @. I always thought Donald Duck had anger issues which wouldn’t be conducive to the modern, sensitive world. I think he should return in movie form seeking treatment & becoming a happier duck in the end.

    #. I think my freak flag flies whenever I open my mouth. Thom & I spend far too much time together so when we start talking & laughing maniacally, the blank states come from every direction.

    $. I do have a favorite building & it is the Chrysler Building @ 42nd & Lex.

    %. The last time I went fishing was with my father when I was a wee lad. I never really enjoyed fishing but spending time with him was nice. :o)

  3. 1. I’m with RW. My favorite hiding place is a place I go to hide away from work. It’s a dark, random bar in Parker called Funugy’s. It’s mostly populated with blue-collar workers and retirees between tee times. While I don’t fit in, absolutely no one from work would ever be caught dead there. A cheeseburger, a diet coke, and a newspaper, and I’m successfully hiding from the world.

    2. There’s no better way to come back than starring in a Kate Hudson/Matthew McConaughey romantic comedy. I’d see Donald as a befuddled matchmaker who accidentally sets up two star-crossed lovers who do everything possible to *not* fall in love. Sounds like a huge opening weekend to me.

    3. I fly my freak flag indoors. And use my indoor voice while doing so.

    4. I have lots of buildings that would qualify as favorites. The first one that comes to mind is the Milwaukee Art Museum, designed by Santiago Calatrava. It has soaring wings that stretch out over lake Michigan, and a central atrium that’s like being inside of a crystal egg. Really an inspiring place (

    5. I don’t want to do the math to figure it out, but it’s been since I was in middle school. My dad was also something of a fly-fishing savant, and did his best to pass it on to me. Sadly, I was a clumsy left-handed kid, and Dad’s patience for the teaching process eventually wore thin. (Especially odd, given that he was a teacher.) I really do have fond memories of fishing, the sites, the smells, the sensations.

  4. 1. my imagination is my favorite hiding place

    2. donald duck does dallas?

    3. my freak flag flies freely on fridays

    4. st. stephen’s in budapest is amazing

    5. i like lake fishing. last time was probably 12 years ago during a camping trip outside buena vista

  5. 1) I hide behind my arrogance and ignorance. It is quiet and dark there.

    2) Alien vs. Donald Duck

    3) Probably in more ways than most people are comfortable with, but challenging the social norm is pretty darn fun.

    4) The friggin castle that anarchist dude is STILL building down near Rye, Colorado. I love that place and his freak flag is flying and has a dragon for a chimney and a tower that over 150 feet tall.

    5) I am a fisherman. I love fishing. I don’t have the time to do it now more than once or twice a year and fly fishing is the method. But the chitlins will be old enough in a couple years to take them to the water for some worm drowning.

  6. 1. Usually in my room with a good book wrapped up in a cozy blanket.

    2. If Goofy is not in it, don’t bother.

    3. Since Flag Day is also my birthday, I will do whatever the hell I want to do.

    4. I truly do like the new art museum and the way it hovers over 13th Ave.

    5. We took the Second Grade from Bromwell fishing two years ago, but it has been at least 14 years before that. Dad and I used to go very regularly in the summer and I really miss it.

  7. .)1 I hide within Tony’s aggorance and ignorance. It’s quiet and dark there, and best of all I can blame everything on Tony. But if I can’t get to Tony, then the gigantic cementary in Tucson, AZ would be ideal. I used to take girlfriends there on first dates. “Hey, baby, we’re not going out to dinner or to the movies, we’re going to my favorite place to hang out: the graveyard!” There are lots of tombs with door knockers on them there, beautiful fountains and it’s so peaceful and meditative it just kills me.

    .)2 The 1970s classic “Donald’s Deep Throat Goes Quack!” with the new Pixar CGI hyper-real imagery cartoon short “Minnie Mouse Takes It Up The Ass With Another Rodent: A Gopher Named Pecker.”

    .)3 My Freak Flag flies every day until they take it away and when they do, and they will, it’s inevitable it’s coming soon, the Thought Police are coming soon, then I will have to kill them all and consume their brains. Brains! Brains!

    .)4 Khufu’s Great Pyramid of Giza. I hung out in Khufu’s Man Basement, and even though it was stupid hot (no air co, go figure) and it smelled like goat piss, and had the best time.

    .)5 The last time I went fishing was just last summer with my brother, Skye, an avid fly fisherman. We fished up by the Taylor. I remember watching my brother Zen-out as he whisked his fly-rod back and forth, the bugs buzzing about, catching the sunlight in their wings, the water rolling by in hypnotic waves, the fish below seeking food and safety, my brother hip deep in the cold water, just him, the fish and the ultimate and most ancient battle raging on, the universe and I paying close attention–a beautiful moment that did not last because I kept on getting my line caught in the trees. I’m not a fly fisherman. I’m a leaf fisherman. I catch leaves and I always toss them back. I believe in Catch and Releaf.

  8. 1)I like to hide behind my work. Everyone elses problems make mine seem so easy.
    2)Donald Duck Requiem this time it’s personal!
    3)I like to answer the door for Mormans naked.
    4)Bonbright Lodge
    5)I don’t like fishing.

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