Friday Fives

1. What does your body tell you when you get out of bed in the morning?
Pee, sweet Jesus, I have to pee. Body also usually tells me I have been in bed to long and to get upright ASAP.
2. How well do you treat your body? Do you feed and exercise it well? Go for regular check-ups? I walk a bit, not enough. I recently lost about 75 lbs. We have a professional body builder at work and she is offering her services to our manager group to serve as our personal trainer/diet counselor. Talk to me in 12 weeks – I should be svelt.
3. What part of your body feels strongest?
Calves. I have strong calves, from my years in the army running in combat boots.
4. Which is the weakest?
Wrists. I have wimpy ass wrists.
5. If you had to live without the use of one body part for the rest of your life, which would it be? Why?
Right hand. i really only use it for mousing ont he computer, typing and for carrying groceries. All of those can be replaced with my left hand working a bit harder.

9 Replies to “Friday Fives”

  1. 1. What does your body tell you when you get out of bed in the morning?

    Sweet jesus, go back to bed. STAT, man. What are you doing? You will kill us all. Just another 20 minutes, tops… and we’ll be ready. Just push that little button, baby… and we got 9 more minutes of sweet yummy sleepy goodness.

    2. How well do you treat your body? Do you feed and exercise it well? Go for regular check-ups?

    Well, I am half way. I exercise, but reluctantly. I do yoga, which is getting me in better shape. I do not treat my body as a temple, more like my house. Not as nice as I would like it, but I work on it every weekend. Check ups? It has been a bit, but have my check up next month-ish. For reals.

    3. What part of your body feels strongest?

    My hands. I have awesome hands, mostly from playing guitar and… you know.

    4. Which is the weakest?

    Prolly my knees. Stupid knees. Three surgeries, I should be bionic by now. Quite the opposite. Sweet sassy molassy, thank god for health insurance. After these surgeries, I would be out of my house and car and job if I didn’t have health insurance. Never take that for granted. Health care is the #1 cause of bankruptcy in America right now.

    5. If you had to live without the use of one body part for the rest of your life, which would it be? Why?

    Can I say a pinky, or need it be more substantial? I mean, I can’t give you a hand. I play guitar and write. You are a jerk for even suggesting that. What are the other choices? I am not offering up my eyes nor my ears. How about this, you can have my left leg. Note, I am a lefty… so that is a premiere sacrifice. However, without it, I could still drive an automatic and get around on crutches.

    This reminds me of a classic ‘Deep Thoughts’ by Jack Handy. Something about ‘I once lamented that I had no shoes, until I found a man with no feet. So, I took his shoes.’

  2. 1. Oddly the first thing I usually do is go brush my teeth.

    2. I do everything right during the work week (healthy food, exercise), and blow it all on the weekends (bacon, beer, bourbon, goose liver, butter, bacon, more bacon).

    3. My collar bone. It’s mostly metal now, so it’s super strong.

    4. My left knee has a lot of wear and tear–it was broken 10 years ago, and has never been the same.

    5. My appendix. No one needs an Appendix.

  3. 1. hit the snooze button again. throw slipper at cat.

    2. i’m fairly good to my body, but could be better. i’m no posterchild for shape magazine, but i’m not a feature in modern drunkard either. i do, in fact, get regular checkups.

    3. legs/quads. i walk a few miles almost every day.

    4. low back/mid-section…must…do…crunches.

    5. if i can keep my ear canals, i’d go with the outer ear. i can hide ear holes with hair. although my earring collection would then be all for naught.

  4. 1.) I’m with Roy-toy: It’s all about the bladder and emptying that puppy.

    2.) I lift free weights five to six days a week and regularly go for runs after the workout at 9,500 feet, so I’m in pretty good shape for a 43 yeard old. I don’t smoke tobacco, pot, crack, don’t do cocain or heroin, and I drink a lot of water and Guinness and vinegar, which is helping to pickle my body. I go to a variety of docs for annual checkups.

    3.) My mind, of course. I’ve got a mind like a steel sifter. I’ve got pretty strong shoulders too.

    4.) Calves. I’ve got chicken legs. But they’re fast little chicken legs.

    5.) My penis. It just gets me in trouble.

  5. 1. Five. More. Minutes.

    2. I do regular checkups. I eat a lot of fish and steamed vegetables. I, like Eddie, also enjoy the three Bs on the weekend: Bacon, Bourbon, Beer.

    3. My legs. Minus the knees, which make so much noise when I bend that I believe they may just give way any second.

    4. My upper body strength sucks. Maybe I should do more 12 ounce curls. yeah, that should do it.

    5. Who needs an appendix or gall bladder? I’ve lived years without both – so far, so good!

  6. 1. Oh my God it’s fucking early. Why did I want to be a teacher again? Maybe there will be a snow day. Please let there be a snow day. Oh shit, it’s nice outside again. Get up and take a shower so you can get to the school before it is light outside. You have to make copies and set up your room for the day.

    2. See above answer. Right now I don’t get enough sleep, and I go to work when it is dark and come home when it is dark. I am teaching water aerobics once a week though.

    3. Shoulders and neck (I swim a lot), not to mention my heart, you have to have heart if you are going to balance teaching with serial killing.

    4. Knees and lungs. 2 knee surgeries and the other knee is shot, but who has time or money to get it fixed, and apparently may doctor thinks I have asthma. I get tested next month.

    5. Appendix. I still have mine, and I hear it’s not used for anything in particular.

  7. 1. Crap. NOW! Purge.

    2. I did pretty good until 2 years ago and kiddos have not been good on my body. I’m still trying to get off the baby weight my wife gained.

    3. Hands.

    4. Abs (I am not Houdini, but I am alive.)

    5. Fat.

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