Friday Fives

1. What activity can you not believe you survived in your childhood?
Playing on the sandrocks that overlook the town. There were plenty of times as a child I could have fallen pretty far down the cliffs and ended it all.

2. What activity can you not believe kids get away with today?
Meth. Crazy kids of meth and there are always driving around and getting on my lawn. Get off my lawn you crazy meth kids.

3. If you could be anyone else in the world live or dead, who would you choose to be?
We all want to be Ed, at least for a day.

4. A lot of people think they’ve been in love at 15 or 16 years old, do you think you now look back and think you were a stupid kid or do you believe that you were old enough to know what love is?
Foreigner said it best back in high school when they belted out the time true lyric: “I wanna know what love is!”

5. Do you think it is possible to remain in love with someone you once loved, but haven’t seen in a year?
It has been a year since I have seen Tony Mo and I still love him. Hell he lives across town. This is all my fault. I am gong to scour the coach for tax fare and look him up.

6 Replies to “Friday Fives”

  1. 1) Birth. I mean, DAMN! that hole is small.

    2) The massive amount of inactivity in front of the computer or video games. Come on parents kick some ass!

    3) Bush. Because I wanna know what it’s like to truly act like an ignorant no-nothing kid again, but have the power of running a country into the ground. (And then go back to Crawford with my lovely Stepford wife.)

    4) Love is love at every lifestage. The love at 15 or 16 isn’t the same as it is now for me, but it is still love. Also, it was a hell of lot cheaper back then.

    5) I agree with Roy, we both have a long-standing Bromance with each other and time or distance will not come between us.

  2. 1. What activity can you not believe you survived in your childhood? “Make your neighbor pass out”.

    2. What activity can you not believe kids get away with today? Stupidlowbaggy pants that defy gravity. Seriously, how do those little bastards keep those low-slung crappy things ON?

    3. If you could be anyone else in the world live or dead, who would you choose to be? Hedy Lamarr. Scientist, actress, inventor. Best eyebrows in the history of EVER.

    4. A lot of people think they’ve been in love at 15 or 16 years old, do you think you now look back and think you were a stupid kid or do you believe that you were old enough to know what love is? My love affair with smoked bacon began long before the tender age of 15.. and has never wavered. I say yes. Yes, it is indeed possible.

    5. Do you think it is possible to remain in love with someone you once loved, but haven’t seen in a year? No matter how long I am separated from bacon, my love will forever burn.

  3. 1. Like Tony, I can’t believe I survived birth. Breach, and asphyxiated, I barely made it out in time. I rarely faced vagina again after that point.

    2. Unsafe sexual exploits and drugs.

    3. Is this a permanent swap, or temporary? I’d want to be someone who had it all–looks, brains, money, a casual drug habit, and was something of a bon vivant. Ah prairie shit–I just described myself. Again.

    4. Teenage love is more hormonal than emotional. That’s why it’s so fun to sleep with teens. . .all those hormones at work, *and* then they usually have to be home by 11.

    5. Sure. Emotional bonds can be very deep, and can last a lifetime.

  4. 1.) I’m with Tony. Birth. Above and beyond that, smashing bullets with a rock to make them fire. It’s amazing I don’t have a hole in my head. Well. Some believe I do, but I can at least argue in my defense that the hole wasn’t put there by a bullet I smashed with a rock.

    2.) Their sense of entitlement and apathy.

    3.) You’re wrong, Roy. I don’t want to be Ed. Ever. But I wouldn’t mind being Ed’s left nipple. That said, the answer is: the painter Georgia O’Keefe.

    4.) Impossible. Because teenagers are not fully realized yet, not fully people yet. They may mistake their incomplete feeling for love, but it ain’t the real thing, baby. Just ask Romeo and Juliet.

    5.) Yes. If you’re a fully developed human being, unlike Romeo and Juliet who were clearly undeveloped stoopid teenagers. As an example of what I mean, the love shared between Roy and Tony, which is similar to mine, is the love of fully developed human beings who are fully developed people. I haven’t seen Roy in years now and I still love him and want to hug him and squeeze him and have his love child, if he’d only let me! Roy! Roy! Have you come around yet? I can be a great mother to our child! Why won’t you let me have your love child? Is it because I’m not Ed? I could pretend to be Ed. I could pretend to be Ed’s left nipple! See? There’s a lot of love here and, as I said, I haven’t seen Roy in years, can’t even remember what he looks like, sounds like, smells like–who the hell is Roy, anyway?–and I still–still!–want to have his love child. I love you, Roy baby!

  5. What activity can you not believe you survived in your childhood?

    My teenage years. Every day was an exercise in self destruction, emotionally and physically. Not consciously, mind you. I was, as my therapist said, brain dead and bulletproof. I was retarded, you were too. I had self esteem, but no self confidence. Does that make sense?

    2 What activity can you not believe kids get away with today?

    Spending their lives on the couch playing video games. Uncle Eddie knew it best. When we were back to Buffalo to visit, his rule was all kids had to be out of the house during the day on weekends.

    3 If you could be anyone else in the world live or dead, who would you choose to be?

    Salvador Dali. To be the greatest painter ever, and to be that incredibly talented, and to be so amazing weird… what would be awesome. Plus, he lived in Spain on the coast. Like what Hunter Thompson did, not just master a genre (Gonzo for HST, Surrealism for Dali)… he literally invented it. Both live large in my iconography of heroes.

    4. A lot of people think they’ve been in love at 15 or 16 years old, do you think you now look back and think you were a stupid kid or do you believe that you were old enough to know what love is?

    Tough to say, I didn’t have a love at that age. So, I will dismiss that question with a self defensive quip. What are you, hitting me? (how did I do? Good cover?) Ok, I will give it my best. I absolutely believe you think you know love and could understand it. However, I think we all know that is more hormone driven than deep appreciation of a human spirit. I didn’t get married until I was about 30, and I think it would have been foolish to do so any earlier.

    5. Do you think it is possible to remain in love with someone you once loved, but haven’t seen in a year?

    Yeah, easily. Living a few states away, I often only see m family once a year. The rest of my family, back in Buffalo, I only see every five or so years. That doesn’t make me love them any less. Just recently, I was able to reconnect with a whole bunch of very close high school friends who I haven’t seen in 15 years through Facebook. I love them as much as I did when we were crazy kids

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