The Friday Fives

1. Do you like the look of your country’s currency (bills and coins)?
I like where it is beginning to go – the new redesign that has some color and different portraits. Damn, I wish I had a head of hair like Old Hickory on the $20.00 bill.

2. Regardless of their actual value, do you like bills or coins better?
Bills – coins weigh me down. That said, I do have an affection for the $1.00 coin. Generally worthless, as most vending machines won’t take them, but I think they are cool looking – and I don’t know why.

strong>3. What is your favorite foreign currency? And why?
The Peso is pretty cool looking. So is the Rupe. I like the Deutsche Mark as well. I am not a fan of the Euro – it looks to EuroMod or something.

4. Do you collect coins or bills? Elaborate.
I don’t collect coins. My dad did and I think mom still has all his coins. He used to work the mail clerk window at the post office and he would come across lots of cool coins along the way. I had a stamp collection as a kid – I guess part of that post office thing. Dad would by entire pages of stamps that included their lot number on the side and as a result the collection, now about 40 years old, is worth some dough.

5. Do you think human society could make do completely without money? Explain.
We will always have money and a world centered around commerce. I don’t think some sort of Star Trek world where money is no longer necessary will ever exist.

5 Replies to “The Friday Fives”

  1. 1. Do you like the look of your country’s currency (bills and coins)?

    yes, very much. The bills have all kinds of cool cryptic symbolism. Seriously, what’s the deal with that eyeball on that top of that pyramid on the back of the one. What’s the uh… deal with that? Somebody get Nic Cage on the phone to explain this stuff.

    2. Regardless of their actual value, do you like bills or coins better?

    bills. I hate coins. They are really heavy. coins are dumb.

    3. What is your favorite foreign currency? And why?

    Canadian. The reason why is it looks just like American, but isn’t worth shit. Well, it used to not be worth shit. Thanks to George Bush their money is actually worth more than ours. Growing up, though, it was worth exactly 40%. So, we went to Canada a lot, being from Buffalo and all (it’s like ten feet away) and we would bring back Canadian coins and switch it with our friends in Arizona… who had no idea the difference. We called it funny money. Boy, some friend I was, eh?

    4. Do you collect coins or bills? Elaborate.

    nope. It leaves my hands nearly the second it arrives. by and large, I don’t deal with cash anymore. My paycheck goes straight into my bank, and so onto my card. I am embarrassed to admit I don’t know which Friday is payday or how much my check is. The wife handles all of that, and I trust her. Suck on that!

    * this explains why we have horses, doesn’t it? God, I am a sucker.

    5. Do you think human society could make do completely without money? Explain.

    no. You are thinking of the barter system, and wouldn’t that be great? We could all just exchange goods and services and eliminate corruption and graft. Wrong. We work on the barter system now. You perform physical and mental labor for your boss… and in exchange he gives you duckets with which you exchange for food and rent. You are the proletariat. With or without money, the system remains the same.

    How about ‘from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs’? What is wrong with that? Well, comrade… it does not work. It never has. They have tried it for thousands of years. Or… is that what we are doing now. The above is communism, and the famous statement of Karl Marx. So, we know communism doesn’t work… but aren’t we practicing that philosophy? What is medicare and social security? It is Marxism, brother… and maybe it’s a good thing. I call it the social contract, and I think it is the most important and binding theory of humanity ever conceived.

  2. 1.) Yes. Bills. Because green is the colour of life. The planet is green (and blue). I want to save the planet from evil humanity and greenbacks is the way to do it! Go green! Go green! It’s okay to kill people to save the planet!
    2.) Bills! Bills! Bills!
    3.) Canadian bills! ‘Cause Canadians are cool!
    4.) No. I spend them.
    5.) No. We need money to make the world go around. Without money the world would not go around and it would die and it would be all our fault because we’re not green.

  3. 1) Except for the old dead guys, I guess it’s cool enough.

    2)Unfortuantely, I cannot accept bills smaller than $20 please.

    3)The Amero…oh wait, George Bush wasn’t able to complete the North American Union yet…well it will be the Amero.

    4) Yes I collect only bills from all the small neighborhood businesses I offer protection to.

    5) The US is making do without any money. The do, however, now have billions of dollars in printed paper that looks like our money. I think the government should just send us a PDF of our money and then we could just print it ourselves, just like they do.

  4. 1)Who cares as long as I can exchange it for crack and hos
    2)Whichever one gets me more crack and hos is the one for me
    3)The deuche mark cuz in Amsterdam you can get crack and hos
    4)Only untill I have enough to buy crack and hos
    5)Where would I slide the credit card on a ho?

  5. 1. I’m indifferent to it. I like money, but I don’t really care to look at it. Sheesh–what a perv you are Nall.

    2. I like both. Coins are good for laundry, car washes and candy bars. Bills are good for looking swank.

    3. I enjoy the Euro. They make a lot of intuitive sense (i.e., the small denominations are smaller than the larger ones, the coins use size and texture to denote value, etc.). I also like that they work in so many countries. Fuck you Britain!

    4. I tried collecting Bills for a while. They don’t like being put in cages as it turns out. I can’t believe I had to register as a sex offender over something so picayune!

    5. Hell no. The world economy is too complex to operate without units of value that can be easily traded.

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