The Friday Fives

1. If you had to participate in one Olympic event what would it be and why?
I used to answer this question with Quoits, but it is no longer an Olympic sport. So, with the modern games, I will go with beach volleyball.

2. What is the one song you always sing along to?
Thunder Road, by the Boss.

3. Do you wear a seatbelt in the car?
Always. Without fail, every single time.

4. Car, suv or truck and why?
I guess it is an SUV. A little crossover thingy, a station wagon on steroids.

5. Are you a good/bad driver? explain
I think I am a good driver. So does my insurance company. Ed thinks I am a terrible driver – but I have had less accidents by far.

10 Replies to “The Friday Fives”

  1. 1. The luge. It looks like one helluva ride.

    2. Raven, Lonely in Hell and Mark of Vaccination by Slim.

    3. I put on my seat belt even if I’m adjusting my parking. Because you never, ever know.

    4. I love my Honda. I can park almost anywhere, great gas mileage and it’s just zippy enough.

    5. I am a good driver, but sometimes overly careful. I guess I just don’t feel like dying in a fiery wreck. Although that’s likely what will end up happening, now that I’ve said it. (either that, or drown while being eaten by massive hairy sharks wearing clown makeup) Thanks, Universe-with-a-sense-of-humor!

  2. !) If I had to participate in 1 Olympic sport, it would be Curling, just because.

    @) Lately, I’ve been singing along to the new Cyndi Lauper single “Into the Nightlife.” I’ll take ya ’til you’re all spun up…

    #) I always wear my seat belt in a car, eve though the ones on the right side make me nauseous.

    $) I prefer the subway or bus. That way, I don’t kill this little planet we call home. It’s easy to be a hippy environmentalist in NYC where public transportation is commonplace though.

    %) I am en excellent driver although I don’t really enjoy doing it anymore. I’d much rather sit back & read a book on a train or bus.

  3. if you had to participate in one olympic event what would it be and why?

    conversation. I am phenomenal

    what is the one song you always sing along to?

    the greatest song ever. The most important music made my mortals. ‘Come on Eileen’ from Dexy’s Midnight Runners. Seriously, that song f’n rules! If you don’t jump around to that song, you have no joy in your heart.

    do you wear a seatbelt in the car?

    without question, always. Always. In addition, anyone who is a passenger with me up front also HAS to wear one.

    car, suv or truck and why?

    pick up truck. Am crazy for them. Greatest thing in the world. Strong, agile, useful, fun, and no one messes with me in traffic. A decently prepared truck is amazing. I can drive through blizzards across the country. I’ve done it, a lot. My truck is an emergency response vehicle for the American Red Cross Disaster Services. How cool is that? What about the mileage and gas prices you ask? Well, yes it does take $100 to fill it. I leave it running all day at work. I roll the windows down and crank the AC. Being a Dem, I have to do my part to reverse global warming. Remember what the prophet Daltry taught us in ‘goin mobile’: I don’t care about pollution, I’m an air condition gypsy. Dude sung that in 1972. This is why we call him the prophet.

    are you a good/bad driver? explain

    I realize I am not as good a driver as I have always regarded myself. However, I still think I am a safe driver. I just used to speed constantly like an idiot. I’m over that now.

  4. 1. Swimming – 100m fly.

    2. I always sing to commercials in the morning. Especially the Vonage “woo hoo woo hoo hoo” song and the Tree Farm commercial.

    3. Click it or ticket.

    4. I’d prefer a chauffer. That said, I drive a boring ole beige sedan that suits me just fine.

    5. I’m a decent driver, although I refuse to drive on highways. It’s better for everyone that way.

  5. 1. The winter biathlon, where I could combine my sharp-shooting abilities with my love of cross-country skiing.

    2. W-I-F-E by the Old 97’s. I like songs with spelling in them.

    3. Always, always, always. I don’t feel secure without one. I even wear one at work, and I’m having them installed in my sofa and bed.

    4. Car. I currently drive an all-wheel-drive sedan, but the proper car for me was an all-wheel-drive convertible. Perfect for Denver’s sunny-but-diverse weather.

    5. I’m a decent if cautious driver. [With the exception of once when I was 16], I’ve never been in an accident that was my fault. And for the record, Roy is a LUCKY driver, not a good one. He has been involved in more scrapes than he likes to admit (although really, the time Julie tried to kill him with a moving truck really wasn’t his fault).

  6. 1. If you had to participate in one Olympic event what would it be and why?
    Snowboard cross – because it’s a matter of skill and it’s a race. It’s one thing to be good on your own, like say a gymnast, it’s another to be good while being chased down by your opposition. And that’s likely the only sport I’d have a realistic shot at, other than perhaps trampoline, but that’s like gold medaling in Slinky.

    2. What is the one song you always sing along to?
    End of the World by REM, wtf are the words to that anyway? Who cares, what a great beat! LA LA LA, LA LA LA, it’s the end of the world….

    3. Do you wear a seatbelt in the car?
    I do. And yes, I get the irony that I also ride a motorcycle.

    4. Car, suv or truck and why?
    See above, but my preference is a little 2 wheel drive p/u that I can slam so low to the ground that I can ride my dirt bike right into the bed.

    5. Are you a good/bad driver? explain
    Everyone thinks he/she is a good driver so this question is inherently flawed. Still, I can parallel park like a mofo, but once you factor in the infrequency with which I drive a car, I’m just barely above average. On my cycles, well, the facts that I’m alive, have all limbs and epidermis in tact, etc. speak for themselves.

  7. BTW Snowball, you do know that the luge in the Olympics is NOT the kind which delivers ice cold alcoholic beverages to your eagerly awaiting gullet, right? Thought that might change your mind.

  8. 1. If you had to participate in one Olympic event what would it be and why?

    I’m with Sage; the luge looks like a blast!

    2. What is the one song you always sing along to?

    Enjoy the Silence by Depeche Mode

    3. Do you wear a seatbelt in the car?

    No. I KNOW! Its horrible, even more so because I actually have been in a very bad car accident which caused me to have a full-on seizure. I’m trying to get better about it but some habits are hard to break.

    4. Car, suv or truck and why?

    Car, for sure, preferably a convertible. Trucks are useful but unless you actually USE them for what they are designed for, you are being horribly irresponsible to the environment. Yuppies who drive fucking Hummers just drive me nuts; there are high-end cars out there that get WAY better gas mileage than those suburban assault vehicles and still allow you to drive a status symbol. I always thought it would be fun to see one of these rich assholes strap his trophy wife to the front of his Hummer like a hood ornament. Now THAT’S a status symbol!

    5. Are you a good/bad driver? explain

    Everyone seems to think I am a bad driver but I have never been in an accident. I have received speeding tickets but really, is that SO bad?

  9. 1) ribbon dancing.

    2) Just about any Beatle’s song

    3) Yes.

    4) SUV or truck for many years now. Mainly because I go to the mountains plenty. BTW ROY, you forgot Minivan, and yes I have one of those too, and yes it’s for lots of kids.

    5) I am a confident driver. This relates to some people thinking I am a good driver and some thinking I am not. I feel that I am aware and constantly interacting with traffic. Unlike other morons who seem to be oblivious to most any moving objects on the road.

  10. 1)Do i get to be good at it?? Ice Hockey.
    2)J. Giles “Centerfold”
    3)Every time Everywhere.
    4)Hybrid bitches!!
    5)I do better with lights and sirens.

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